Adorable Owl Cookies!

Oh I am so excited to share this idea with you! I found this idea here on Pinterest and have been itching to make it! Again, this is NOT my idea, and my pictures are pretty similar to the blog I got the idea from haha. My sister Jill came in to town this weekend so we could celebrate her birthday and she asked me to make her some chocolate covered strawberries and some tea cake cookies so I had to make these adorable owls! I've shared my mom's tea cake cookie recipe before for Valentine's Day two years ago on my blog so here it is just in case you're looking. 

OK here's the deal; everyone looks at these "flooded icing" cookies and thinks, "oh my goodness, those look too hard to make." They really aren't that complicated! Just give them a try and it's totally worth it... look how cute they are! I have been a little unsure of making them before because I wanted to make sure the glaze actually tasted good.  I've tried the "flooding" technique randomly last Valentine's Day in case you missed it... it was my first try so they're not that special.  Here's a picture just in case you're reluctant to just click the link...
they are so fun!!!
Before you whip these up, I thought I would share with you that these took me about three hours to decorate. So, you may want to bake them a day ahead so that you can break up the work. I started with a tulip shaped cookie cutter that I found a few years ago at TJ Maxx. It's a Wilton tulip that looks like this...

You simply cut off the tulip stem before you bake...
whip up your favorite glaze. I used this recipe below but I've used a different one before:
Glaze Icing:
1lb powdered sugar 
6 Tbs milk or creak

6 Tbs light Corn Syrup 
1 tsp extract (I use almond because I use almond in my cookies)

With a whisk, combine sugar and milk and then stir in corn syrup and extract.
You will use this same recipe for both glazing and piping. You just thicken it up a little with the sugar for the piping and thin it out for the glazing. I used Wilton gell food coloring to dye the glaze that looks like this...
 Border the cookies with the thicker glaze, let dry. The glaze actually tastes good!
add the thinner glaze to the cookie and spread with a spoon... I used a baby spoon! 
 add some edible eyes and border when the first layer is dry! i found the eyes at Wal- Mart but you could also use frosting
fill the wings in! 
 add some dots, feet, and eyebrows toooo

I just love them and I had a blast making them!! Here are some more ideas for next time that I can't wait to try!
It's not just about the cookies; it's about the people the cookies brought together... i have to show you my sweet family! Let's start with show and tell time! 

Poor Mal dressed herself haha I bet she was a little chilly!

show and tell time with sign language!

my sweet momma likes to hold baby Jude!
my sister Jill and her husband Kevin
the extra tea cake cookies I made. yum!
Amy and baby bump Laman
poooooor pitiful face


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