Crafting for Jude
Speaking of love, I love crafting!! We are so excited about baby Jude coming into the world in a mere seven and a half weeks! It's hard to believe that he is almost here! I want his room to be extra special even though we'll be moving to Miami, FL is less than a year. :( I was able to make these lovely yarn letters for his room, aren't they cute? I found some instructions online that helped me wrap my mind around the project.
First, you have to cut tiny strips and hot glue them to these two edges so that every edge will be covered by yarn.
Next, you need to wrap the three stems in an upward direction.
Last, you wrap the remaining sections across from left to right.

very similar process here with the "L"and V"

I think they turned out pretty cute!
Another addition to little man's room! I'm planning on stringing these little paper boats made out of hymns soon. They'll tie along with part of his bedding that has paper boats on it. I will definitely post pictures of his bedding soon. Blake's amazing momma has made us a beautiful blanket, bed skirt, and I think she's recently finished the bumper! I can't wait to show it off!
Yay! It's a lot darker in this picture because I didn't turn the lights on but you get the idea. A neutral gray that would work for a boy or girl's room! Unfortunately, we do have to keep resale value in mind here. Thank you so much to Mrs. Amy Thomas!
I do have to share that these lanterns are from the paper lantern store website that my lovely friend Rebecca Greer recommended. I was able to purchase all seven lanterns for under $14.00. If you've tried to purchase these types of lanterns before, especially the large ones, then you know they're not cheap! I couldn't find them any cheaper than a pack of three for $13.00 at Wal Mart until this awesome website. Yay for a good deal! Also, my wonderful and handy husband Blake surprised me with this beautiful lantern arrangement. He did a great job, didn't he? This whole lantern ordeal hasn't been his cup of tea because he thinks they're a little too girly. However, I think they're growing on him now that they're up and the fact that he worked hard arranging them. Now only did he surprise me by hanging the lanterns though, he hung out three picture frames and two hanging shelves!! Love him!
As promised in my previous nesting blog, here's little Jude's musical decoration of the room. My step dad gave me this and many more records that I enjoy on a regular basis. There's nothing like listening to vinyl! Although we didn't acquire Jude's name from the song, we appreciate good music! Jude was the only name that we both felt God leading us to through scripture, sermons, and Jude Law; he's not so bad looking! Blake did mention feeling led to the names Abel, Silas, and Lliam but after speaking to his lovely wife... we changed that quickly. All I had to say was, "well, I guess Able is better than Cain!"You know, the first murderer recorded in the Bible!! Plus, you can't mispronounce or misspell Jude... unless you're a nut! Oh, and yes, you're welcome for now getting "Hey Jude" stuck in your head.
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