Leaving White House, TN
Oh, White House, TN. Who knew that we would ever live in a town with such a funny name? "White House, what? I've never heard of it. Oh, north of Nashville, ok." That's how it always goes. Or, we just simply say we live near Hendersonville and that works some of the time. It's been a quick three years, my goodness! I had a feeling that we wouldn't stay in Tennessee very long but you know women, they have a lot of feelings. This whole journey in White House began way back at MTSU where we met Dwayne Gibbs; he started this madness! Dwayne, Blake, and I all had classes together at MTSU and Dwayne and I were even on the debate team together with other friends in 2008. "Debate 08'," we said! We were cool, no doubt! Hahah! Short story, Dwayne married my best friend Kelsey, he invited us to sing at his church, we did, my wonderful husband became the worship pastor, we moved to Hendersonville, then White House, about a year ago we started praying about moving to Pembroke Pines, FL to start a church, and viola... here we are! In case you want to go back ( I do) read about our move from Murfreesboro to Hendersonville, or
Hendersonville to White House, yoooou can click the links! Also, here is more info from a blog I posted on what we are doing in Florida or you can visit: Desirechurch.com
I wanted to take some time before we pack up our lovely home to write about what we are currently experiencing. This won't be a short blog! First, God is so good! After going through what may have been the craziest year so far, I can say that God is always in control and I have learned to trust Him through the pain and joys that come my way. I still have doubts and definitely mess up all the time but He is always there with me.
We have loved living in the Hendersonville/ White House area for so many reasons. The music in Nashville, our church, our wonderful friends, the lake, great food, and the beautiful greenway... just to name a few reasons! My sister, her husband, and their sweet three live only twelve minutes away! That means that they call us if they're in a pickle, want to grill out, or just want to have us over for an evening of good conversation and fun with the kids. It's been such bliss to be around the pitter patter of little feet, little clothes, crafts, sleepovers, birthdays, to make all their birthday cakes, and so many snuggles. You don't know what it means to have a family member around the corner who can listen when all you can do is cry. What is even more amazing is that my sister and I worked in the same building! We were able to discover a new kind of friendship as sisters who are eleven years apart; truly a rare blessing. I'll never forget going to lunch together, going shopping together, running errands together, going to visit her and all the nurses, getting free food from all the sales reps, her coming to the hospital to see me when I had baby Jude. Not to mention all the many recipes shared, medical advice she gave me (she's a pediatrician), and she's also quite the prayer warrior. Watch out! She's probably praying for you right now. I've loved having her there to listen to me when I need someone to tell me straight up, " you're wrong." We recently had to say our goodbyes since we have to be out of our hose in EIGHT DAYS. (more on this to follow) So, when we said goodbye we also celebrated Jackson's birthday, I wrote them all goodbye letters, and I had to make a picture collage of some of my favorite memories for them to have. Oh, my heart is just broken that I wont' be able to go visit them and feel their sweet hugs and kisses. God has a plan though.
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don't those dimples just make your heart melt? tear :( |
Jackson dancing to his first ipod! |
For a quick recap, we found out in April that we were pregnant and that we may be moving to Florida. My heart was heavy with expectancy. Then, after confirming that we would move, my wonderful boss, Dr. Gary Cohen passed away. Shortly after he passed, I was "let go" since I didn't have a doctor to market; I was the Marketing Coordinator. This meant that not only did I lose my boss, job, source of income, security, I lost my closest friends. My work family. I miss them dearly and love going in to visit and catch up on life and what God is doing. Then, Jude entered our lives and we were forever changed for the better. He made our hearts melt! During all of the confusion, pain, and long nights asking God, "why is this happening?" I felt like the Lord was telling me to TRUST. Oh, He is so trustworthy. I wasn't excited about moving to Florida for a long time because moving meant loss. It is ok to feel loss. Loss of seeing my family and friends, our church family, cooler weather, loss of trips to the mountains, raising our child near family, loss of seeing my sisters and their families frequently, loss of southern hospitality, speaking primarily english, loss of security, loss of sanity even! Also, Blake and I had discussed before we were married that once we had children we would like to move back to East Tennessee to raise our children... obviously, not going to happen anytime soon. God doesn't promise that we will always live around family; he does promise that HE will be enough. So, obviously some expectations that we had for our little "family life" were unmet. We've learned through counseling (thank you Tony Rankin) that unmet expectations = resentments = need to communicate about those. Communication. That was our major in school so we're pros right? No. Life is a learning process and no one is perfect at relationships. We all have to learn what our strengths and weaknesses are in our relationships so we can doooo something about them. So, we're continuing to work together, give each other grace, and live one day at a time. I live an hour at a time though since Jude eats, poops, and sleeps so much. I love staying home with him!!!!
Back to house/Florida. Recently, we had someone look at our house a whopping SEVEN times. We became very frustrated ( I don't care who reads this, it's the truth) because we didn't understands why someone would take so long to decided. You never know what someone else is going through. Empathy is a good thing, we should all learn to empathize. Long story short, we received a verbal offer last Sunday and didn't sign a contract until Tuesday of this week where we were informed that we needed to move out no later than Friday of next week. At first I was excited and then shortly realized how much we have to get done. We thanked Jesus for answering our prayers and getting our house sold but the weight of what was to come was heavy upon us. I just want to sit in Jude's room a little longer and pretend that I can rock him, hold him, and keep him from any harm a little longer. I can't do that though, I have to put one foot in front of the other!
As of today, we have eight days to move out. We are going to have to pack diligently but this will be our sixth move so we are professionals at this point. CRAZY. Hahah! We've both had stomach issues for about a week! Stress, unpredictability, change, phone calls, lists, celebrations, goodbye parties, so many generous people blessing us, dirty diapers, counseling, soccer games, baking to feel some sense of control. You name it. There have been afternoons of breakdowns, cry-fests, chocolate eating contests, champagne popping (no, not sparkling impostors... the real McCoy) and crying out to God asking him to SELL THIS HOUSE!! I have been the most doubtful. Blake has been the strong one who has kept on reminding me that he knows that God has a plan. I am so thankful and proud of that man; Blake is just wonderful. Even when he's down and out, I still love him. At this point, there is no predictability. There is no plan. No one really understands what it's like to be us right now except God. I know he was far away from home. Everyone keeps asking those questions that begin with the word "WHEN" and we have to follow with "WE DON'T KNOW." I get so tired of sounding like a crazy person but I know that God is getting the glory. OH, HALLELUJAH! Please Lord, receive all glory!
The only "plan" right now is to leave Hendersonville around June 6th, go to East Tennessee to spend time with our sweet family, introduce my sister's baby girl into the world at some point in June, travel to Pembroke Pines, FL to finalize where we will live, pray that Blake finds and job, feed the baby, hug each other, pray that the Lord would prepare us for our ministry, and NOT GO CRAZY.
We are so thankful for our time in White House. Our church family here is too incredible to describe. They have answered so many prayers, met so many needs, sung so many beautiful songs, and been so patient with us. They have celebrated us with two goodbye parties already which have included so many blessings. It's incredible. We are so humbled by the love we've experienced here. Lord, please bless our church! Not to mention our small group. We have the best friends here!!! They have been our family away from home! We love you all!
Here's to the next two months of adventures!
Philippians 4:6, 7, 11-13
"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
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