Farewell Murfreesboro, Hello Hendersonville!

It's that time again. Time to move, time to share, make new friends, to renew, refine. Although I will definitely miss the Boro I am so thrilled that God has answered our prayers about this lovely town called Hendersonville! It has a duck pond, local restaurants to discover, Christmas trees to be hung, and believe it or not- waaaay more beautiful sunsets than the Boro! And who knew that one of my best friends Kelsey would be just around the corner so much to visit her boyfriend who works at our new church! God is always taking care of me.

This time last year Blake and I kept itchin' to move to the Nashville area but we weren't sure how to do it. We felt our hearts detaching from the city and moving on...and here we are! Thanks to our wonderful friends Bryan Johnson, and Ashly and Tyler Haynes we are all packed up and moved into our new apartment. Traveling to my sister's house to see our nephews and niece is only a ten minute commute! We're so thankful for this time to join closer together as in a new environment. Even Lolly cat is fully adjusted thanks to the giant maple tree outside our window filled with mischievous squirrels and birds for her to look at! 

I lived in Murfreesboro, TN for six years; five by myself and one and four months with my wonderful husband Blake. It was challenging at first moving into that little dormitory all alone but I grew to love that little town. All I can think about is how much we have to be thankful for! I'm so thankful for our amazing college ministry and all the relationships that came with it. I mean, this was the town that I met my HUSBAND! (the bridge we got engaged on is below)! I remember back when The Avenue didn't exist! It will be strange not walking on the square, stopping by "The Write Impression," "City Cafe," "Marina's On The Square," or walking on MTSU's campus for a ball game. It's just the time for us to move on and begin a new chapter. But before we do, one of my favorite things to do in Murfreesboro that I was unable to do before we left was taking pictures. Here are a few beautiful shots with my old cameras that I took last year and the year before in November. Enjoy. 

the bridge we got ENGAGED ON! 
The day we got engaged, Kelsey and I were taking pictures in the exact location that I'd be proposed to...crazy!

aw, little family :)

on the square!!
kelsey and the HUGE leaves on the square


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