Moving To Florida

Well, the word is out. We've been stewing over this secret for quite some time now. In case you're still scratching your head, we're moving to Florida. When? That's a good question my friend. As soon as our house sells and the Lord calls we will be leaving for an area close to Miami, FL in the summer of next year. So, we only have around nine months left in the sweet southern state of Tennessee. Very bittersweet.

This story began back in 2009-2010 for us; yet, you could say the Lord has been preparing us our whole lives. Nothing is a surprise to Him. Blake and I were a part of a college ministry in Murfreesboro, TN at Belle Aire Baptist Church called Alpha Omega. This is where we met, found life long friends, and grew together. Our college pastor, Jerel Olson, quickly began to disciple Blake as our worship leader and began telling us about where the Lord was directing his heart; church planting. From that time on, we knew that one day we may get a call from Jerel with some wild opportunity. We certainly didn't plan on it, but it was always in the back of our mind. An adventure of some sort. We had no idea.
leading worship for an AO function :)
Here's where the story picks up in 2012:When Blake and I came home from our amazing vacation in Panama, Central America, we sat together over a quiet lunch. It was quiet because our hearts were heavy. I broke the silence and said, "Blake, while we were on vacation I felt the Lord telling me that everything is about to change. I know I'm pregnant but it's something different. Something big." Blake began telling me that he had the same feeling. It wasn't a second later that Blake's phone rang; guess who it was? It was Jerel. "Hey Blake, I need you guys to come down to my house on Thursday because I need to talk to you about something. I want Dwayne and Kelsey to come too." As much as we wanted to deny our gut feeling, we pretended that we had no idea what he was going to share with us. Maybe he wanted us to join him on some sort of ministry opportunity like a youth retreat, college retreat? Maybe Belle Aire needed a worship pastor and a youth pastor?  I guess when you take time to be still and sit in the Lord's presence in front of the Pacific Ocean, you hear things you may not have heard amongst all the business of life. We're so grateful. Thank you Lord. 
So, we traveled, brainstormed, and tried not to freak out on our way to Murfreesboro, TN with Dwayne and Kelsey. Dwayne had just messaged Jerel around two weeks prior to this meeting just to say hello, how he admired the ministry Jerel invested in Blake, Kelsey, and I, and he looks forward to working with him in the future. Serendipitous! It had been at least a year since I had been to our old college town. We began to reminisce as we saw old apartments, landmarks, and places we used to hang out as college students. Memories. As we were driving, Dwayne was joking that if we had Spaghetti for dinner that evening, then whatever the opportunity was, he was going to say no! Sure enough, we walked in the door to a house filled with the aroma of garlic, noodles, and red sauce. Spaghetti! We sat over dinner with anticipation and awkward short conversations... hurry up and tell us! Of course, Kaeden broke the silence with a loud, "has Dad told them we're moving yet?" Whew. Ok, we could handle someone moving, right? Surely it wasn't anything more. Little did we know, we'd be moving too. 

on our recent visit, saw these at Starbucks.
Why Florida? Jerel shared with us about his plans to move to an area outside of Miami, FL called Pembroke Pines to start a church plant. He shared with us about how the Lord was breaking his heart, breaking his pride, and bringing him to a place with no reservations; surrender. Next, he asked us to prayerfully consider joining him in this ministry. This particular area of Florida is considered a "send city" by organizations such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board because it's a largely "unchurched region." Basically, the Gospel never made it there. Wow. Nothing like the Bible belt. I've even heard that Tennessee is the belt buckle of the Bible belt. Who knows? He also explained that our mission, should we choose to accept it (mission impossible, anyone?) would involve a lot of pain, hardship, stress, and hard work. Sign us up!? The ride home was tense. We didn't know if it was alright to be excited, scared, nervous, or if this wasn't even a road we'd travel.  

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.2 Corinthians 12:9 

Here's what we can bank on... God's word says...Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 1 Peter 4:12-14 
So, loving people, sharing Christ, building a church up from the ground. Sounds like the great commission that we're all called to, doesn't it? Are you sharing the gospel? To clear any confusion, there is no building; only potential followers of God meeting in homes, and sharing life with those around us. Blake would have the opportunity to lead worship and Dwayne would potentially be the second church planter and co-pastor. 

Our First Meeting was Thursday May 3, 2012: From this point forward, we had a secret to keep and hearts heavy with prayers. At the time we were nine weeks pregnant and were overwhelmed with what to do with this whole Florida idea. 

When I think of Florida I think of the home of the most dreadful rival of the VOLS, the home of the fruit that I have an extreme aversion to, hurricanes, alligators, snakes, and the ocean filled with sharks, that will never touch above my knees. Let's go?! I began venting all of my frustration and anxieties and realized that I was a blubbering hormonal mess. I opened God's word expectantly; shouldn't we always? I began to read and study the book of Jonah and asked God to make is crystal clear to me what he wants our family to do. 

CONFIRMATION: The last time that I read Jonah I was on my front porch as a senior in high school. Sure, Jonah, the story of the man who didn't listen to God, was swallowed by a large fish (it never says whale), and God saved him from the fish. NO!!! There is so much more! The story of a reluctant messenger of God who denied his calling to go preach the gospel to the Ninevites. Ninevites were equivalent to the Nazis in our time in that they were very evil!! He didn't want to share God's message with them because of his own self righteousness. God sent a large fish, redirected his path, he complained the whole time, BUT God did something amazing.  Jonah 3: Then the people of Nineveh believed in God; and they called a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them. ...10 When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it.

Did you catch that? You just read about one of the greatest revivals in the Old Testament. Jonah later complains to the Lord about Ninevah containing some 120,000 people! The word clearly describes that from the greatest to the least repented. Sounds like ALL to me. The best part is that Jonah didn't even want to share God's message! God uses the unqualified. Whew! I don't think we'll ever be ready to move away from our precious family, friends, church family, and Tennessee in general. However, what are the chances that I would be studying this book out of all the books in scripture? With God, very likely. I'm thankful for the confirmation and calling that we've experienced and am taking this one step at a time. One day at a time. We're having a baby first! 

Oh, and we must not forget the random letter we received in the mail just a few weeks after finding out about Pembroke Pines, Fl. DO YOU SEE WHERE IT'S FROM? NOT COINCIDENCE.
These are only the confirmations that the Lord has shown me, not including my lovely husband Blake. I am humbled, do not feel qualified, scared, confused, anxious, excited, and overwhelmed. At the same time, I know who is in control and I'm SO GLAD it's not me.

I have to remember the truth. God has a story for all of us and it should always include sacrifice. He gave himself for us and endured the WRATH OF GOD FOR US. Blake's gracious grandmother, Mamaw said it best at our recent baby shower when she explained that Jesus knows what it feels like to not have a place to rest his head. Jesus was constantly traveling and sharing life and the Gospel with others. For heaven's sakes, my sister just got back from Haiti. Now, how am I going to sit here and sulk about all of my insecurities when I at least know I'll be in the USA?! I've been to China and Nicaragua where poverty is rampant. I've seen tent cities. I've seen malnourished children at the mercy of others. I'm still spoiled and self righteous. I'm also loved and grateful to be a part of something that I have no control over, will be refined by, molded by, challenged. 

I think Paul put it best when he talks about the conflict of our fleshRomans 7: 21- 25 I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good. For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin.

Our whole perspective on life is about to change. 

How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces peace
And brings good news of happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 
We had the chance to visit Pembroke Pines the first week of September. We discovered the many many many different cultures, beautiful beaches, and had the chance to meet many church planters, authors, and representatives of the Florida Baptist Association. We learned a lot and learned that we have a lot to learn haha. We're thankful that the Lord has been preparing us for reaching the lost, being flexible in the way we "do church," and remembering that the Gospel changes lives, not men. Amen? 




  1. Caroline, I am so excited for each of you! I know the Lord is going to do do many amazing things through each of you in FL! There are some big changes coming for you & Blake. Nathan & I are praying for y'all as you both prepare for sweet Jude & this move!

    Habbakuk 1:5

  2. I love the wonderful pictures!!!!! Can't wait to see more!


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