Ten Months With Jude

Ten months! Wow! You are so much fun to play with little guy! Your dad and I have loved getting to know your little personality more. We love walking in to your room each morning and seeing you jump up and down with that big grin. We give you a bottle, play for an hour and a half, and then you have some breakfast. You love oatmeal, toast, fruit, yogurt, and eggs in the morning. You get really excited when we open the vertical blinds so you can cling your little palms up to the glass window and see what creatures are out our back door. You are still in a size three diaper and I guess you will be for a while! You love to say "mama," "dada," "lala," and a little phrase that sounds like "I love you." You've been taking every opportunity to stand ( you stood during your eleventh month just this week on Monday October 21st but it doesn't count on this blog haha) You pull up on to any object nearby and scoot and crawl around from place to place instead of walking. Your favorite toy right now is definitely your walker that we got from Aunt Lea Ann! You also love the little Leap Frog mini house that Granna got for you. We enjoyed seeing Amy, Kevin, Mimi, and Aunt Lea Ann when they came to visit you this past month! We still go on our three mile walk around the neighborhood almost every night and you love visiting with Christina, Isabella, Ulga, and all the little children on the streets! You hold the front of the stroller and look around the whole time! You still love your pacifier but we're ready for you to cut back on it! You take a nap right after breakfast and then eat lunch, play, bottle, nap, dinner, play, and then bed! You do not like it when we brush your teeth and sometimes you get fussy while you eat but other than that, you're a pretty happy camper. You love riding in the car, you especially love bath time with daddy, and you enjoy reading books with me! Your favorite books are the ones that are touch-and-feel or have flaps to look under. You impress me with how you want to discover each page! You turn the pages for me and make the cutest noises as you point out each object. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See," "Where Is Baby's Valentine," "Where Is Spot," "Baby Einstein Touch And Feel Farm Animals," and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" are a few of your favorites. We love playing with your blonde hair and making it stand up in funny ways! You are teaching me what it means to sacrifice daily. Each moment, you want to be in the same room as me. You play by yourself very well but I love it when your eyes wander for me across the room, they meet mine, and you smile! You have loved playing with some new friends at church too! Jered, Caeden, and Xane also love taking care of you! You're like their little brother! We love you sooo much! Here are some more of your adventures this month...

touch those toes!
trying to escape!

You love this Coke bottle that Grandaddy left for you

You LOVE to eat sand! You last for about an hour on the beach!
sweet sleepy boy
you love to chase Lolly around all day. she takes naps when you do!

we see all kinds of creatures out on our walks!
You love to go to the grocery with me! 

You also enjoyed your first craft fair! Everyone wanted to meet you!

Sometimes you just like to hug the floor! Haha!

Top o' the mornin' to ya!

You reunited with an old friend!
we found some creative ways to have fun with you!

you love looking out our back door!



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