Baking, Luna, and Lolly

 I have so much fun dipping strawberries for people! Blake helps too! Please, don't ever hesitate to ask if you need some! Thanks again for reading and enjoying random bits :). This week I made some strawberries for a co-worker of my sister's. This was my first batch of chocolate on chocolate...dark and milk. mmmm
 So, THIS IS HUGE! I've always been a fan of Pampered Chef, I couldn't be more excited about this gadget! I get strange looks when I try to explain this product by using hand gestures, so here are some pictures! The great thing about their products is that the majority of them help make life a little simpler. For instance, this beautifully awkward looking "salad chopper." It's name isn't very accurate... and of course, it doesn't just chop salad! You can chop meat, veggies, fruits, nuts, you name it! Can you imagine? The next time you make a chicken casserole, you won't have to shred the chicken by hand!! Or, the next time your husband makes you a pizza with bacon on it (in case you missed it, click HERE) he won't have to tear the bacon bits up by hand. Yes, my wonderful husband enjoys cooking dinner from time to time with fresh, smell-up-the-house bacon. I made Blake come into the kitchen so he could see how this thing works. He came, saw, and stated, "I love you" and giggled. hahaa Click HERE to purchase online. If the website asks you to name a Pampered Chef representative then you can choose Kebel Nugent  from Lebanon, TN. :)
 I also got a new apron for my birthday! Blake's sweet Mamaw and Papaw picked out the cutest apron! (Thank you so much!) It looks sooo good hanging up as the newest star of my cute apron selection, just inside the pantry. It will be reserved for cookies and cakes only! Now, if we could just get little Luna to stop chasing the apron strings...sweet puppy. Which reminds me, she's grown seven pounds in three weeks! 
 We have a hose...another benefit of being a homeowner! "Caroline, come see this...(uncontrollable laughter) Lu loves the water..."
 preparing her next attack on the hose...
 "set me free!" "I am not going to babysit this intruder any longer!"
 It's so fun taking Luna on a walk! I've never had a dog before so the experience was a first for me this week. From taking her on a walk, I now have met every child under the age of twelve in our neighborhood! From blocks away they flock to this beautiful pup, "hey lady, can I play with your dooooog????" They come on bikes, scooters, skates, and by foot to pet what they call a chocolate lab. I guess we're blind? She's definitely black! ahahahaa It's pretty sweet to meet little faces that may or may not have the happiest home. We never know what divine appointments the day has for us.

 the prettiest, sweetest kitty ever! Oh, and Mr. Cow, the milk pourer.


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