Jude Is 2

Jude, I get a glimpse of you bursting from each corner of the house and I stop and think about how amazing it is to know you. Lord, thank you for this child. Not every day is easy but you make every day special, that's for certain. These past two years have been filled with so much joy and adventure.
You just want to play. Legos, trucks, blocks, music, bubbles, balls, puzzles, markers, and repeat. Your favorite word is definitely, "truck." You grab my hand, most times just one finger, and lead me to your next adventurous destination. This way, mom. You say "help" when you need something and "stuck" when you're in a bind. You like to say "there ya go," "alright," "fix it," and all sorts of adorable phrases. You sing along to familiar tunes like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Hallelujah, Praise The Lord," "The Wheels On The Bus," "Head and Shoulders," "If You're Happy And You Know It," "Jesus Loves Me," and more. You know almost all the words to "O, Come All Ye Faithful" and it brings me so much joy to hear you attempt the name of Jesus. Your favorite verse is, "Yea, Lord we greet thee..."
You're very skilled at your little fork and spoon although you don't like many foods anymore. You enjoy veggie nuggets, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, raisins, craisins, nuts, breakfast cookies, almond milk, apple slices, pea chips, freeze dried strawberries, any type of starch, sometimes yogurt, milk, Chick-Fil-A to our surprise, and water. That's about it. We try to get you to taste something new each day. Whenever we are eating something that you want a bite of, you ask so politely, " please help." I'm learning a new lesson on patience, haha!
You love counting to fifteen, saying and singing your alphabet, and pushing your friend, Lincoln. You've done better lately with playing nice, thankfully! I'm counting my blessings since you recently stopped biting! You do not like time-out but it's awfully cute watching you face the wall and trace your shadow as you occupy your time. You love learning your letter sounds and surprise me with new phonics each day. There's some special books that you've practically memorized; "The Little Blue Truck," "Where's Spot," "Peek-A-Who," "Spot Bakes A Cake," "Goodnight Moon," and all your picture/vocabulary books. You love to give hugs and say "hugs." You enjoy playing outside in our sunroom each and every day and going to check the mail on my hip. Each time we approach the playground in our neighborhood you shout, "SLIDE!" You enjoy the strangest shows, "Mother Goose Club," "Baby Einstein," "Curious George," "Daniel Tiger," and a random video of model trucks on YouTube. When it's time to go ride in the car, you run to the back door and wait for me to gather the charade of cups, snacks, purse, diapers, and grocery lists.
My favorite part of the day is watching your face when daddy comes home. I'm so glad you two can wrestle because carrying your baby sister in my tummy limits my floor time. Any chance you get, you sneak into our room to jump and squirm on our fluffy bed. You take a long two or three hour nap (which I am very thankful for) and you zonk out quickly around 7:00pm.
We walked you in your room and announced that this is your big boy bed; you've been excited about it ever since! You cried for a short minute or two the first night, slept through the night after one random yelp, and have done fine since. We put some pillows on the floor just in case you fall but you've been fine. We are so impressed with how flexible you are. I was more worried than you. You like to wake up, play with your rocking chair, turn on your lamp and read. You haven't figured out how to open doors yet so we are waiting on that morning when you surprise us by waking us up. You've definitely found the drawers in your room and love emptying them!
We have a routine, you, me, and Lincoln. However, I know that each routine is temporary because life brings new routines, new toddler beds, and new big boy underwear all too soon. Even though sometimes you drive me crazy some days with your squeals and squirms, you are a joy. It's a great and scary challenge being your mom and dad but we love getting to know you more each day.
You know how to say one Bible verse, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding." That is my prayer for you as well as one of your favorite worship songs...
Shout it
Go on and scream it from the mountains
Go on and tell it to the masses
That He is God!
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