Lord knows, there has never been a shortage of women in my life. For as long as I can remember, there were at least five women I could always call on. You may hear me say this all the time, but I'm the youngest of five girls. Growing up, I learned quickly that we all need a wiser voice in our lives to guide us from time to time. We all need to sharpen each other. We all need to be discipled and to disciple. At the same time, we need to know the importance of listening to Jesus' voice, not the many opinions of others. As women of Desire Church, we did just that. We gathered to hear the sweet words of Jesus; his life-giving words! Our dear friends, Ann and Carolyn, came all the way from Tennessee to lead us in a study of Psalm 23.

Before the study began, I was relieved to hear that they were going to speak on this Psalm and finding peace under pressure. I had been in the middle of an emotional storm, haha! See, living in Florida may look all sunny and beautiful (it is) but it definitely has its challenges. Being a part of a church plant has been rewarding in many aspects. We truly enjoy the perspective we have gained since we've moved here. We realized that while living in Tennessee, our main role (which we greatly enjoyed) was shepherding a flock... my husband was a worship pastor so we primarily spent our time with an amazing body of believers. Therefore, we were hardly friends with people who didn't know Jesus. Sure, we knew people and "tried to be a good influence" but God calls us to a deeper level of relationship with those who don't know him. After all, Jesus didn't just preach in church and wait for us to come see Him. He came to us. He sat at our tables. He got messy! It's heartbreaking to think about now. God quickly changed this when we moved here. God gave us a focus on the lost that we've never been obedient to before. Blake's closest friend right now is just now coming to know the Lord, and it's amazing. I have the privilege of getting to know so many of Blake's friends from Lowe's and leading a Bible study. Among our fifteen or so women, there are two women who have never studied God's word before. How amazing it is to hear them share how God is moving in their lives. I'm almost in tears thinking about it. Praise God. Praise God.
We have truly enjoyed just loving on people, spending time with friends that don't know Christ, and relying on Christ to do the saving work. He is in control. On the other hand, begin a part of a church plant demands a lot of "give." Blake finds himself overwhelmed easily with the task load that comes with working forty hours at Lowes and many extra hours spent working on multiple church projects. We've also gone through a few financial situations where we didn't know how we were going to afford living here. Right now even, Blake finds himself in a sticky situation at work. (He didn't do anything wrong... I believe it's spiritual warfare... prayers are appreciated) Quickly, the demands of our daily life can be very burdensome if we don't keep our focus on Christ and His sustaining, life-giving promises. There is no other constant in our lives other than Christ. That is the truth. As much as I love Blake, my family, and my friends, nothing else will bring me hope and peace. Jesus, you are my joy. Thank you for picking me up, again and again.
Along with managing tasks also comes the best and most challenging part; managing relationships. We have been overwhelmed by how God has provided so many caring friends for us here. Out of seemingly nowhere, I've met some ladies who are easily becoming lifelong friends. He is so good to me! At the same time, gosh, how relationships can cause a heavy load. I've learned that I trust too easily and put too much emphasis on friendships at times. Sometimes, you get wounded with no apology. That's ok. Jesus knows that feeling all too well. I've learned (the hard way) that I can't let my circumstances dictate my praise and intimacy with my God. Anything, good or bad, that steals my attention or affection more than Christ is an idol. Shoooo wee! It's not easy!
You know who is never going to fail me, my God. If there's one thing that God has been telling me OVER and OVER this year, it's that HE WANTS TO BE MY EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. He separated me from just about everything I considered normal, and we came here. Suitcases in hand, with no idea how it was going to work. He is so faithful, so trustworthy, and worthy of my praise. Even when I don't understand His purposes. Even when I fail Him daily, put my hope in everything else, and crawl back to His throne of grace. He knows my pain, He cares. He is there with me when I cry out to him in pain, anger, and thanksgiving. He doesn't change. Thank you Father for your unfailing love.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want!" Psalm 23:1
Our study began on a Thursday evening here in town, then we traveled to Naples, FL to stay at the Waldorf Hotel for an evening. Can you believe that we even had a woman there who had never been a part of a "girls weekend?" We drove down to Naples with endless conversation the whole way. We stopped at Publix deli to get some dinner, chocolate, and other necessities. Next, we had our first session. Here are some of my favorite reminders from God's word in Pslam 23:
- Jesus is my shepherd and I am a lost sheep
- We are all in need of a shepherd
- I get to enjoy all of Jesus in all of who I am
- Peace is the presence of God in my life
- Possessions can rob me of peace
- Contentment has to do with God's character, not my circumstances
- God longs to restore me
- Restoration isn't relaxing, it is radical
- God wants to renovate my heart and life, not redecorate it
- Our Shepherd is so trustworthy and true
- When we are in deep water, trust the one who walked on it
- What worries me, masters me
- I must give my worry to the Lord
After our session, we walked down to the pool and had some much needed girl talk under the moonlight. What a joy it was to just relax and fellowship! We met again in the morning to conclude our study and that's when all the tears started flowing. People started getting real. Truth was spoken. Wisdom was shared. Encouraging words were flowing from women of all ages, it was so beautiful. We are all going through different trials in life that we need to lift up to the Lord, and vent to each other. God was moving in that room and we could all feel His presence.
After some chocolate, hugs, and laughs, we were ready to get some sun! We traveled down to the beach to find cooler temperatures than we expected. I loved just sitting and listening to the calming waves... other people weren't so excited about not being able to swim. Haha! Ocean water freaks me out so I was happy on the shore with my pregnant belly. We enjoyed some fine food for dinner and some free dessert since our server was a big ol' train wreck. Ha! Then, we found ourselves journeying home back to our routine with some mighty fine gems of truth in our pockets.
We can't thank you enough, Ann and Carolyn, for letting God speak such life-giving words through you. We love you!
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