Conquering My Fear Of Fondant

FONDANT!?! Oh the word even terrifies me! I've never worked with this weird stuff before! I've never wanted to work with it because: 

1. It doesn't taste good
2. Seems really complicated
3. I do not want people thinking I can make whatever fondant cake they see on TV.
4. I don't have (or want) a full service kitchen with endless cutters, tools, and stencils! 
5. Plus, I don't like eating things unless I can tell what's in it 

I always thought that fondant had weird chemicals in it... my imagination was wrong. Since I've been so scared of using it, working with it, and failing... I've always ignored it's existence. However, when your precious little nephew is turning five and he asks you for a Captain America cake... you make sacrifices! You conquer your fears! You do what you thought you could never do before for the ones you love! (I still haven't tasted it though, haha) Pretty much the only other fear I can think of right now is childbearing... yeaaaaah. We'll see about that one, I still have 25 weeks! ;)
So, my friend at work told me that you can make fondant out of marshmallows, powdered sugar, and water! Who knew? How simple!? So, I called miss Kelsey and she helped me calm my nerves, mix it up, and complete such a fun project; conquering my fears one at a time! It was so much fun! Kelsey helped me SOO much. She was not only helpful physically, but mentally. I didn't have a breakdown, yay! 
All you do is melt a 16oz bag of mini marshmallows in the microwave, stir, mix in 1 and 1/2 boxes of powdered sugar, and three tablespoons of water. Knead this mess out onto a greased and powdered countertop and possibly add a splash of water to it if it's not mixing well.
 Once you get it to the right consistency and all the sugar is blended in then you're ready to roll it out.

Have your cake ready, frosted, and smooth. I made a homemade buttermilk yellow cake with homemade chocolate frosting. MMM!
Roll it out to the right size
 place the fondant over the cake and cut around the edges.
 Get out some non-latex gloves if you're going to dye a few colors!
 not to be confused with open heart surgery... thanks for taking the hard color Kelsey
 The blue is ready to go!
 I cut out this star with a little knife :)
 Good job Kelsey! The hardest part was finding the right shapes to help us cut out the circles so, on the biggest circle I just freehanded it. 
 have your friend roll up the red while you roll up the blue to decorate the bottom
 Yay! Success!

 Parker walked away from opening presents, walked up to Blake, and said he just needed to snuggle. So precious. 


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