Spring & Braces

I was so tempted to go to the grocery and buy some beautiful white flowers, probably hydrangeas, and put them in one of our fancy vases. Then, I realized that flowers die and I would be wasting money on something that I could find in my yard, or the neighbors. ( it was a tree on the corner where our yards meet, ok! haha) I had fun exploring our yards this winter and I found some beautiful pine cones to put on display for the season. FREE! 

Although these flowers aren't white, say hello to our yellow Forsythia and purple Crab Apple blossoms! Though they are now dead, they were a delight and didn't cause any unnecessary sneezing! Maybe you're thinking, "hey, Bradford Pears are white! Why not bring them inside?" and to that I would simply say, shoo wee! I have never seen a town with more stinky Bradford Pear Trees! Even though they are stinky, I must admit they are pretty impressive when the little white petals blow in the wind. Also, while we're on the topic of flowers... I can't wait to make flower cookies! I bought Easter cookie cutters last year and didn't get around to making any cookies. This year, I must celebrate and try out my new cookie techniques! 

Now, I must share some springtime on the greenway with you! Our Luna dog LOVES going for a swim!

such a beautiful day!

she really is the sweetest dog! love love love

 so proud of her find
 showing off!

So, there you have it, happy spring to you! I can't believe we've almost been here a whole year.

Also, I must take this time to tell you about....
You may think I'm crazy for getting braces for the second time, but when you work for the BEST orthodontist ever then you do what needs to be done!. We use these awesome brackets that do not stain; this means my clear brackets will actually stay clear, how cool is that? AMAZING! Also, they don't always have to use those big metal bands on your back molars now; times have changed! Plus, my boss is the ONLY orthodontist in Sumner county that has Innovation brackets,t hese brackets are the absolute best because they allow your teeth to move quicker and for longer periods of time so that you don't have as many appointments. So fascinating!

 In case you were wondering, my teeth were a little crooked but bite was a little more than messed up. Basically, what most people don't know about orthodontics is that it's not all about straightening teeth. There's a lot more to the story than a pretty smile. The way your teeth me, the way your teeth are aligned, and complications with your jaw all add to the equation. While I'm on the topic; did you know that according to the American Association of Orthodontics, a child needs their first orthodontic examination around age seven? Seven! That may sound young but we can detect some issues early so that a child may not have to have surgery, two sets of braces, and a lot of other complications. So, if you have children age seven and up, take them to get an exam! NOT to a dentist who took a four week course and now is allowed to put on braces. Sorry that I had to put you through this torture but I just LOVE my job. Doesn't everyone want braces? Just kidding. 


  1. You guys are just a short time away from being old just like us. I see you Blake in the river with your little girl, and i see me running through the water with our 200 lb Newfie 31 years ago. Now your question is who is this?


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