Three Months With Jude

Oh little man. Jude, we love watching you discover the world. Your voice has definitely gotten louder, you make all sorts of talking noises, you love to suck on your hands, stick your tongue out, and boy do you slobber! You do cry, contradictory to these cute pictures, but it's really only when momma eats foods that upset your tummy. You love to play on your mat while mom hits it hard on the treadmill. Thank you for being patient with me haha! You have had quite an eventful month Jude. I can't wait to tell you all about it! From sleeping in your big boy crib, traveling to Murfreesboro for the first time, going to your first church service, and holding your head up so strong, we are just amazed by you. I love waking up and hearing you talk in your crib. Sometimes I sit with you in your room and just pray for you as you grow up to be a man of God. I pray that the Lord will continue to call you to Himself and that we can show you His love daily...even in our future home of crazy Miami. Shoo! I can't imagine packing up your room! I've already tucked away your newborn clothes and even some three month clothes that you have outgrown. You are just long and lean my friend! We think you are a little over twelve pounds but we won't know for sure until your four month visit. 

 Daddy just can't keep his hands off of you and he is such a huge help! I think his favorite time with you these days is bath time and lunch time! He also loves tucking you in at night! Sometimes I peek in your room and daddy is rocking you while singing sweet songs! 

We are feeling more like a family each day! 

Again, there are a million pictures haha! Time for a quick comparison...
a few minutes old
LOLLY! Hahaha! This is my favorite picture haha! She goes crazy sometimes!

You wore your first set of jeans and shoes when we went out to Red Robin to celebrate Tiffany moving to Ohio. Momma couldn't handle how grown up you looked, it was kind of sad!

You had a great time while mom and dad sang and played for the worship service at Belle Aire. Granna held you in her lap and sang to you while we led. Belle Aire is where your mom and dad met during college so it was extra special to have you there to say hello to our old friends! Mom and dad led worship because we were representing our church plant for Miami, Fl; Desire Church. 
This month you had a great time trying out this new wrap! Our good friend Jennifer Coon gave this to us and Emily Mofield showed us how to tie it on! You especially like riding in this while we are at the grocery! So many people come up to me and say, "oh my goodness he's so cute. How do you get him in there? They didn't make those in my day." I tell people that I'm pretty sure the indians wore these... they're ancient! 

You loooooved getting to snuggle with Mimi this month while she visited! We saw her at Jill's birthday and she just came over for dinner last week!

We can't forget how cute you were this Valentine's day!
You had fun with momma and Lolly cat making this simple Valentine's Day decor for daddy... 
...and he surprised us by taking us to The Cheesecake Factory, getting us some chocolate, and we even ate a heart shaped pizza from a friend at church!

You love it when Ryleigh comes over to play and we go and visit little Ellie too!
Daddy had fun putting you in this cool hat that Lea Ann and the boys gave you and what we call the "FUBU" jacket! Daddy said, "Caroline, quick! Get a picture of me and Jude on the front porch!"
You successfully transitioned to your crib this month! We are so excited for you! You didn't even notice a difference but it was a little bittersweet for mom and dad! You go to sleep around 11:00 and wake up at 6:30. Pretty amazing!
You love cuddling with your head up on the couch with dad! 
You went to your first church service in White House and heard daddy singing! Everyone loved meeting you! We eat right before church, you listen to the music and then fall asleep during the sermon every time. We are so thankful!
We still love going to visit daddy at church while we bring him lunch!

I think you like to Bumbo!

you have definitely discovered your tongue and you LOVE it!


  1. Such cute pictures! I wanted to catch you and Jude after the service when you and Blake led worship a couple of weeks ago, but sadly I missed y'all. I've been meaning to tell you that the worship was so encouraging that morning. I hope I'll get to see y'all at Ryleigh's birthday party next month!
    -Amy Shaw

    1. aw thanks amy!! yes, we are planning on being there!!

  2. Caroline, very cute pictures! Jude is just adorable!


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