Zapanese Peanut Noodle

here's the line up!
One box your favorite noodles
Veggies of your choice
Meat of your choice
1/4 cup melted peanut butter
1/4 or less cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons or more sugar
2 to 4 garlic cloves, Minced
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
3 tablespoons pure sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon hot chili oil (or more! to taste)
4 tablespoons canola oil 
2 tablespoons hot water

sneek peek!

melt your favorite peanut butter

get out that measuring cup and mesure away...lotta good stuff to measure

boil those noodles

mix all the ingredients and pour in the money maker: peanut butter!
pour the sauce over the noodles, mix, smell, get out your drink because this thing is salty

add your favorite steamed veggies/shrimp/chicken and you'll have leftovers for days!


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