Need a Humble Abode?

This isn't the part of the blog where I show you all the creative decorating ideas that I have. But, if you'd like to view it that way then that's ok with me! However, we may need someone to sublease our lovely townhouse! 

Here's a few pictures just in case you're interested in moving during the new year.. January, February, etc. I didn't take picture of the bathrooms because I thought it was a little strange but there are two and a half bathrooms! I also didn't take a picture of the walk-in closets, the second bedroom/music room, patio, storage unit, or linen closet. Sorry but you'll have to miss out on the multi-colored retro leather chairs, hammer dulcimer, Blake's music desk mania, and the horrendous, wooly mammoth colored rocker (wannabe lazy-boy recliner) hidden in the corner... for sale, just don't tell the mister. Here we go! FYI: It was painted before we moved in! Please contact us if you're interested in living here. Thanks
View as you walk in the door. 
View to the right of the door, handsome husband, record player, mmm
didn't Blake do an awesome job mounting this? 
H for Herron :)
Thanks to John Dunahoo Photograhy and Shelley for the candle

Best kitchen ever, awesome cabinet space, huge fridge! Oh i just want to go bake something

star of the show
just sit right down
door to patio and storage unit  
you gotta have a collection of old Bibles and Hymnals
oh that good ol' cross stitch creepin in the corner

c'mon let's go upstairs! 
mirror, mirror, on the wall.
inspiring maybe :)
our bedroom :) frrrreee furniture does the trick

Fair warning: walking around our house is free pounce range for de Lolly gato
what did i tell you? she got  me aaah!


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