Meet Jackson and Parker: Bathtime!

Parker park!
Bathtime= serious playtime. I remember loving bath time becasue I got to make a tornado as the water swirled down the drain, play with my older sister's stuff, and get a chance to smell more like a princess. However, this weekend I learned why these little rascles that happen to be my nephews loved bathtime. It was our turn to babysit the two nephews and little baby mallory. Being around these little monkeys gives us an opportintiy to learn more about our parenting syles... I'm the comforter and diciplinarian and Blake's a mixture of best buddy, disciplinarian, and snuggle buddy. This time they asked for "lay time" with me though! I got to tell them stories of the five sisters (one including their mom) and the old Farrington house in Knoxville. Things such as the hanger police can only be understood within the sisterhood. WE MARCH ALL DAY, WE MARCH ALL NIGHT, WE GET YOUR HANGERS WITHOUT A FIGHT..because we are the hanger police. Oh we took it very seriously.

THEN it was bathtime! Everything has to be a game for them so "who can get their clothes off the fastest?" and there you have it, smelly boys bumping up against those tubb walls anxious for the water that is always too hot or too cold. They cracked me up as they sunk their ears under the water and made silly noises like "ooohhooaaa." They couldn't keep still for a minute! However, I successfully washed four ears, two heads of hair, four arm pits, some unmentionables, and of course twenty little piggies! Here's some proof of my success...the cutest nephews ever!  

surprise attack of the spit-up! she's still cute though!
and Sleeping Beauty is never again allowed to be played... he was scared all night!
oh hello sweeeeet girl
little angel


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