Baby boy! Oh, we just can't stop hugging and kissing you, you are such a joy! We have been all over the state with you this month! We traveled to Mimi and Pop's house in Baneberry and Grandaddy and Becky's house in Seymour! You were able to meet your great Aunt Carol and cousin Whitaker too! We've had so many adventures listening to your new voices, hearing you sing, watching you grow out of size one diapers into size two, changing your wardrobe to the 3-6 month size, and you discovered your hands and feet! It was fascinating to see you look up at your hands and reach for our hands! You grab our hands, pull them close to your face, and move them back and forth! You have been flexible with mom and dad as we show our house and pack you up in a moment's notice! You like to sleep in your little swaddle blanket in your big boy crib with your sleep sheep on from around 10 pm to 7 am. We keep you on a schedule of eat, play, sleep, and you are on a strictly momma's milk diet!
We are so grateful to be your mom and dad! Sometimes I still get overwhelmed with how much we love you. Daddy still does a great job putting you to bed and giving you the best baths! We can't believe how long and lean you are! You weigh around 13 pounds as we found out the other day at your Aunt Lea Ann's office! You will go in this week for your four month check up so we are excited to hear about all of your stats. (Your regular doctor is in France haha) You smile every time we enter a room and it makes us feel like a million bucks! You also cling to us when we pick you up and we just love it! You can sit up really well too! You were dedicated at our church, we celebrated Easter, and enjoyed some quality time with Mamaw, Papaw, Granna, Aunt Michele, and Abbey that came to visit us in White House. I'm sad that I didn't get any shots of you and Granna buuuut I'm sure we can change that soon! Oh, before I forget, for Easter, you received many wonderful treats from all three of your grandmothers. They are all so sweet!
Here are some highlights of your fourth month of adventures!
I caught this view of snowy Mt Leconte while we were visiting Mimi and Pop at the lake house.
There were about ten deer who decided to visit us in the backyard. They were so beautiful, and I think one of them was pregnant!
Enjoying time with Mimi and Pop! We had such a special and relaxing visit!
My first time playing the keys!
Mom and dad think I am so cute because I always sleep with my arms out!
We love it when Ryleigh comes over to play!
I went to Seymor for the first time to see Grandaddy and Becky!
Look what I got for Easter! Becky and Grandaddy got me all sorts of fun goodies and sweets for mom too!
I met Aunt Carol and cousin Whitaker for the first time at Chick-fil-a
Mimi and Pop met me in Nashville at Panera one day for some snuggles
oh we love your big blue eyes and your special poof of hair!
We bundled you up like the kid in "A Christmas Story."
Mom had a fun time feeding you in the backseat and random parking lots while traveling!
momma got a haircut thanks to Mimi!
I think you have momma's eyes!
You love to look at books with dad!
We had a fun time at Monell's with the Coon family. Sooo much food and boy was it good!
Monell's in Gallatin!
Easter family pictures
little laundry helper :)
Michael, Lea Ann, and the Kids all came to celebrate your baby dedication! Your daddy worked so hard on an Easter presentation for the following week. Mamaw, Papaw, Granna, Aunt Michele, and Abbey all came to celebrate and hear Abbey play her beautiful cello solo while mommy sang!
snif, snif, snif
You and mommy had your first mini cold... that lasted two days! However, mom is glad that her curly hair is somewhat back! Look at that natural wave... yay!! haha
The cookies you helped me decorate for Amy's baby shower!
Little Blue Truck Almost every day, Jude enjoys the rhythm and rhymes of a particular book about a little blue truck. This truck and a few adorably illustrated farm animals help a mean old dump truck ( HOOOONK ) learn a valuable lesson about making friends. We all need friends and the right kind; that is for certain. He can finish almost any phrase, make all the animal sounds, and turn each page as we snuggle together. We treasure those moments and hearing his animated "beep, beep, beep!" Since this little dude has such an attachment to the "Little Blue Truck" by Alice Shertle, we decided that it would be the perfect theme for his second birthday party. I tried not to go over-the-top since Jude could care less about all the matchy decorations. I get it. However, just as I thought, he LOVED the blue truck on his cake! I'm so glad his gaze stopped on the cake for two seconds to notice it... he wouldn't quite settle down until that truck was on th...
Fall Decor At Our Tennessee Home I apologize in advance for this crazy and loaded blog post. I tried blogging about one topic and then it just exploded. So, enjoy! Fall Afresh? What does that mean? It happens to be the lyric of one of my favorite songs lately. If you haven't heard of Bethel Music or Jeremy Riddle, here's a song that just might bless you. I love the lyrics! "Spirit of the living God, come fall afresh on me, come wake me from my sleep. Burn through the caverns of my soul, pour in me to overflow." That is my prayer!! I grew up singing hymns mostly so I knew this song came from this hymn , just in case you were unaware! I've been thinking a lot about seasons, particularly fall since it's my first fall away from home. This song just so happens to have the word fall in it so I just had to share it with you! I'm so thankful for the meaningful relationships we had in Tennessee. One special lady even surprised me just yesterday by ...
Florida Herrons May, 2018 To my friends who have shared this little blog with me over the past ten years, thank you! There's a part of me that has been avoiding writing lately because I didn't know where to start. My heart has been heavy this year. Moments where you stop and pray ; But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. (ESV Psalm 3:3) So, as I begin to blog again I feel the need to clarify something; transparency is not my goal here. I hesitate to focus on simply being transparent because it's important for me not to shortchange the TRUTH of God's word and lordship over my life. Another head-nodding in affirmation is nice but I need Jesus. I need the power of His word. My aim is to glorify the Lord and tell of His faithfulness. After all, " For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them . (ESV Ephes...
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