Our Little Ice Storm

Ice Storm, rarr! It really wasn't as scary as it sounds. In fact, it was so beautiful! I couldn't wait to look out the window when I woke up because I just knew that there would be something sparkly outside! I'm especially sentimental about all of this winter weather this season. Since we're moving to Florida, we will not be able to experience these temperatures much longer. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can click here to find out. :) 

 Everyone in town was hoping that Sumner County Schools would be closed but unfortunately, they weren't! The roads weren't that bad, thankfully! I do remember the last big winter weather event here which was back in January of 2011. You can click here to see some 2011 pictures I took like these... 

Of course, everyday is a holiday for me since I have the privilege of staying home with this little guy...
Before I can continue to show you pictures of the ice storm that isn't as sweet as this baby boy... we took our first family walk this week! Yay! Blake had this brilliant idea of taking the picture with us in his glasses! Of course, this is after the ice storm! Don't tell the doctor that I went on a walk though. They told me not to exercise at all until I get the official "ok" at six weeks. Six weeks!?!? Madness I tell you! Come on!

Here's my best take at capturing our iced over back yard. I really hope to continue to take pictures, bake, and sing, and everything else I enjoy while learning how to be a momma to our sweet baby J. We'll see how it goes!  I was hoping that our little cardinal friends would show up and make a beautiful picture but I maybe their little feet were frozen to their nest! 
Oh I just love the red. This is what has been keeping our insides all warm and cozy...
This, my friends, is William Sonoma hot chocolate. The amazing red pot is an excellent partner in making the perfect frothy cup of joy! I discovered this drinking chocolate back in 2004 when I worked as a hot chocolate server and gift wrapper at William Sonoma. Best. Job. Ever. Here's what the mix looks like...
Need i say more? I mean, how can I ever enjoy any other kind of hot chocolate after drinking this? Spoiled! It's just sooooo good!! Thanks mom and Leigh Ann for this years' supply...that is almost gone! We shared it with friends, I promise! Here's the cool part... Guittard chocolate company makes the William Sonoma kind and they sell it for cheaper so, here's a link to some!

Back to the ice cold pictures... 


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