Six Months With Hallie Reese

Little baby Hal. You are the icing on the cake! You have developed such a sweet personality. You love to say "dada" and you're crawling and scooting all over the house! You're 8 months now but when you were 6 months, we took you out behind the house and I got these pictures of you in the dress that Granna made for LK. 

You don't enjoy your milk very much but you love baby food and finger foods. I miss you so much while you're at school but your teachers sure do love you. They call you Hallie Boo Boo at school but daddy doesn't like it, haha! Your brother is very gentle with you and little LK just thinks you're her doll. She loves to try to feed you, pat you on the head, sit on you, change your diaper, sing to you and read to you. You love to hear us singing, playing our piano and guitar at home, and you just hate it when you brother and sister fight. You start crying when someone strikes an ugly tone. You're currently sharing a room with your big brother in your pack-n-play and you're still sleeping from around 7-7. (thank you sleep schedule!)

With three kids, we are constantly learning to adjust and say "no" to things that get in the way of our quality time as a family. Daddy and I have loved going on dates, having a babysitter come over, and we try to have as much family time together on the weeks as possible. 

It's easy for me to get caught up in the to-dos, the undone, the laundry piles, and clutter but God has so much more in store. God is constantly about His glory and our sanctification. Having three kids has definitely been more challenging than we anticipated. God is also way bigger and way more loving than I previously imagined. In His grace, I'm learning that I'll never have a heart big enough to love all three of my little babies. Only God is the perfect parent and knowing that brings me so much JOY and REST. I don't have to get it right. I don't have to have it all figured out. I can't control my household like I used to because I'm outnumbered now (haha). BUT I can rest knowing that God's always in control, His heart IS big enough to love all His children, and He provides so much rest through Jesus Christ, my savior. 

How marvelous. How wonderful. Hallie, we pray you will one day sing His praises! 


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