Little Hallie (sounds like Sally) was one month old back on June 1, 2017. We have had to make some major adjustments to our family schedule since baby number three came along. We definitely find ourselves exhausted and a bit overwhelmed but you know what, God is good! I look back at these pictures and I'm reminded of all the daily grace that the Lord has shown to us. When we brought Hallie home, and for the months following, we were so blessed by hugs, meals, gifts, and quality time with friends and family. God is so amazing! I see so many sweet faces of friends and family who came by to give Hallie snuggles and brought us meals. I'm humbled when I think of the privilege we have to a part of such a living body of believers who are literally the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Our summer was filled with so many emotions, dirty diapers, nursing sessions, trips to the pool, trips to the potty, and tantrums. I don't know how we survived without Blake! He is just an incredible father and husband and I'm just the luckiest gal to have him. So, thank you Blake! Haha! 

Here's some memories... 

All my little babies at one month :)

Jude and LK love to pick flowers for me. Melts my heart.

Laurie's love is some kind of fierce!! haha!

I'm so glad they love cats :) 
Cousin time!
we definitely have to keep an eye out for Hallie when LK is around. this is why!

they're LOVING The Sound of Music
So glad that Mimi and Pop came to visit!

It was also amazing to see my sister Lea Ann, Michael, Jackson, Parker, and Mallory and our friends Katie and Jeremy! 
completing pre-k 


apparently we have limes growing in our backyard
big girl underwear!
our little performer!
always singing and playing her instruments
Enjoying our friend Zal's pool :)

Hallie' s first time at church
My first day with all three alone...

"don't  you worry bout' a thiiiiiiing..." was our song for the summer from the movie, "Sing"

I think we went to the pool just about every day! Hallie just love snoozing in the heat. 

Such a treat to see Angela who came all the way from Texas. We were friends back in Tennessee :)

Our sweet friends, the Berans moved over the summer. We definitely miss you guys! :(

Jude's teacher and our neighbor's sister-in-law. God is so good to let us have you in our life!

Blake has become quite the chef

A much needed boy's trip. First time canoeing for Jude!

Blake's pancake skills are just incredible :)

These beautiful girls have hearts of gold. My best friend, Ashley and her family took a family mission trip to Haiti.


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