Twelve Months With LK

Laurie Kate! Our sweet little baby girl is not a baby anymore! Back on 2-9-16, you turned ONE! Your little personality is just shining through more every day. You always want to be where we are. You don't care much for toys, you want to socialize. You're always talking on an object like it's a phone, pointing to show me something, or coming up to us for a hug. You eat anything we put in front of you and have become so independent with no more bottles or pacis! You're a serious sleeper like your brother...7-7. Sometimes when you're sick, you just don't want to be put down and you put up a good fight! However, you're getting stronger around your brother... he doesn't like when you try to grab his toys! I think you two are getting along better each day.

 You spent some quality time with Grandaddy, said goodbye to some special friends that moved to Indianapolis, you've traveled to North Carolina and technically South Carolina this month to celebrate your birthday and Aunt Whitney's! You fell in love with a dog named Tucker, saw your first snow, ate your first dessert, and met cousin Owen for the first time. 

I love being your mommy. I love watching you learn new words like "dada," "mama," "baby," "cookie," "cracker," "more," and others. I love watching your face as you listen to music. I love how only your daddy can make your biggest grin come alive. You walk with such confidence. You fall and pick yourself right back up. Your little knees are skinned, you're always dancing, bouncing, or clapping. 

You bring me so much joy and anticipation. I can't wait to have a conversation with you one day but until then, I'll take your sweet snuggles, I'll listen to you sing, I'll deal with your whining when you don't get your way, and all the messes you make. You teach us the meaning of sacrificial love, of unconditional love, and love in action. We are so thankful that you're in our little family.  

Mommy got a job! I never thought I would want to enter the working world so soon but God completely changed my heart. He knew just what I needed. I've been blessed with some amazing coworkers, a very kind boss, and I'm only five minutes from home. I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. Sometimes I tend to worry and stress with all our church planting ups and downs and this opportunity has provided such an avenue of peace for me. Taking my mind off of my uncontrollable circumstances has provided a resting place for my worry. Shifting my focus. Sometimes that's all it takes. Lord, help me to continue to shift my focus to you, and not mere comforts and distractions. I just want to worship you, not worry!

Gotta get our walk on!
You gotta check this girl out. Amazing vocals. Some of the styles and aren't my favorite but she's got talent and a great message!

Jude is such a trooper. I had to share this lovely photo because this little dude has come such a long way with his eating habits and inflexibilities. In case you missed our big update on Jude, he has some learning delays. We've been working with an amazing behavioral therapist and it has blessed us with knowledge of how to help him.
 A few months ago, Jude was terrified of anything touching his head. We are still challenged with cutting his hair but... he likes antlers and jingle bells! haha! Also, he has worked so hard on eating a better variety of nutritious foods! We are so proud of him! He is loving school. The kid hops into the school doors every morning, hugs all of his teachers, and says, "bye mom!" He's just made for it! He is also going to be moving up to the next level class which is such an answer to prayer!
I cut ten inches off of my hair. I don't know why change is so hard for me! I haven't had my hair this short in seven years.

I'm so thankful that we live within walking distance of our neighborhood park!! Jude has met soooo many awesome friends including Paige and Zaal!

Jude also had a blast playing in the fake snow at a local church with our good friends, Grace and Anna!!! He just looks so big! :(
We celebrated Blake's 28th birthday with friends and his favorite cake from my mom's bakery cookbook; chocolate bar cake! Here's the recipe from an old blog of mine. Again, we are so proud of Jude. Jude has always struggled when people sing the birthday song. If I remember correctly, he enjoyed singing along this year!  

just a normal day :) thankful for these memories 

that day we saved a runaway bunny and got to meet the bunny's puppy friend!
makes me want to cry!
That's me! I mean... maybe LK looks a little like me?!?! Maybe?

Jude's teacher, Ms.Squire!
Our neighborhood ducks :)

Grandaddy came to visit! Thanks for coming all the way down here!

waiting to pick up brother from school!

Jude received a special reward for RESPECT at his school!! We are so proud of you!
This past month was pretty challenging. After living in the same town with our sweet friends, the Elliotts, we said our goodbyes. The Elliotts felt led to move to Indianapolis to help with our friends the Gibbs' church plant. Jude's first friends, Lincoln and Liam were extra special. Mommy and daddy were also very sad to say goodbye to Katie and Jeremy. Florida isn't the same without our Elliotts but we are praising the Lord as we watch and wait for this new church body to develop. I've learned to not hold too closely the amazing people God places in my life. I've learned to forgive quickly, keep no record of wrongs, to encourage, and to ask for forgiveness more often. We miss you guys! 
hanging out at church, doing my thing!
I enjoyed making you a little cake for you actual birthday and then we headed off to NC/SC area to celebrate with Aunt Whitney! You loved your first dessert!
We finally met cousin Owen! Yay!!!! He is so cute!
Jude wasn't so sure about this cold weather! Whew!

WHO KNEW that I would cross paths with an old friend while in SC?!? Jasmine, it was SO good to see you! We miss having you down in sunny Florida but I praise God that we entered the Publix that morning at exactly the same time! God is so good!
it snowed!!!!! Snow is so much more magical when you live in South Florida!!!!
Whitney is simply amazing with that Tucker! It's incredible what that dog can do!

It was so special to share a birthday party with Aunt Whitney!!!!

We thought that LK was going to be the little angel and Jude was going to be the troublemaker on the flight... we were wrong. LK was taking people's hats off, pulling hair, growling, etc. Haha! Of course, she fell asleep the last fifteen minutes of each flight. My little rascal! 
JUDE has FINALLY learned to say "cheese!!!" yay!!!

Speaking of cheese, he has also acquired quite the appetite for grilled cheese as well! 

Jude's first HIKE!!!!! It was like twenty degrees but we rocked it! It was so special to be with Granna, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Whitney, Owen, Mamaw, and Papaw for such an adventure. Hugs! We miss you guys so much!

LK just loved Tucker. We can't wait to get a dog someday!!


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