Turning 27 & Our Jude

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by our newfound community of friends. I didn't expect the overflow of gifts this birthday! I turned 27 on August 19th! Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us.
My sweet husband got me the most beautiful flowers (below) and my little buddy Liam got me the flowers above. I was showered with an ice cream cake, a fudge trifle, rice crispy treats, cards, gifts, hugs, and surprise gatherings! My husband even got me a prenatal massage. I never expected to move to South Florida and have so many special friends that love me with such intention. God has surely lavished his peace and presence upon us here. That's a gift, for sure. There's no other way to explain the peace we have other than through Jesus. Father, you are so good to me.

Other than saving grace that seeks my desperate heart out daily, the greatest gift is being a wife and mother to my boys. All the while, I have the distinct privilege of carrying life inside me. Yes, I'm almost twenty weeks pregnant. It's a joy, a struggle, and a refining process that I am overwhelmed by. The spilled milk and the snuggles are all worth it. 

I hear often that life will go by quickly so, I try to capture as many moments as I can with my little camera. I haven't posted a million Jude pictures in a while soooo... here's life lately.
the many cards I received from friends near and far
My sweet precious Jude. He loves to snuggle, to "ride the horsey" on my leg, tackle me, do squats with me, go on walks, read books, build towers, and experiment with new words almost every day. He's also a terrible dinner eater at the moment, hates going inside after getting perfectly covered in dirt, and has a very powerful squirm and scream combination that is hard to tame. He's all boy! 
Our front room in the morning light. God provided that dining room table just when we needed it; the Olson family is letting us borrow it. We will soon be returning it to them since we will transition Blake's office into baby #2's room!! So, I had to take a moment and document this room before it changes into an office/living space. :)
We are so thankful that he enjoys snuggling!
There's nothing cuter than hearing him say, "bubbles" and "pop, pop, pop." He requests bubbles each time were are in the sunroom by politely saying, "please, help, bubbles." This picture also reminds me that I've had to let go of some of my controlling nature. Each room that Jude enters, he has to rearrange every item. I'm trying to embrace this concept, haha! He just wants to play, and play hard. I think he enjoys being a little tornado.
This would be Jude's absolute, can't-do-without, most snuggliest blanket. Thank you to my sweet Aunt Bitsy who unknowingly picked out the green and blue questionable patterned keeper! We can't figure out what those cute shapes are on the blanket; maybe we're just supposed to use our imaginations?
Sometimes we let this big kid sit in the fancy chairs!
Water time!
Jude can now recognize and say about seven different colors! We are so tickled to hear each word come out of his little brain. He can also recognize a whole book of pictures such as, "girl, boy, chair, ball, etc." It's a true joy to watch him learn!

We were delighted to have Mimi and Pop come visit a few weeks ago! Jude especially loved the book that my Nana sent all the way from South Carolina! Mim and Pop made great snuggle buddies!
He could sit and read all day!
He loves riding in the car. He stays very calm most of the time and then you'll be surprised by him shouting, "CAR" all of a sudden. 

Our backyard is such a gift!
Granna also came to visit a few weeks ago! We loved getting so many family hugs in one month!
We've found a special splash pad in town! Jude, Granna, Blake, and I all had a blast! 
I think this was on Mother's Day haha! Had to document it at some point.
Our favorite time with Jude is when he wants to snuggle before bed or naps. He melts into our arms with his special blanket as we sing a few songs, say a prayer, and lay him down to rest. He'll shout, "bye, love you," when we close the door. His precious little voice. I pray that this little man would grow to be a man of integrity with a passion for Christ, serving others, full of purity, love, and grace. He's sure does teach us how to live with gusto, vibrance, and unconditional love. How deep the Father's love for us!


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