What's A Snickerdoodle?

Sickerdoodles. MMMM. Have you ever had one? A Snickerdoodle is similar to a sugar cookie that is rolled in cinnamon and sugar. This cookie literally melts in your mouth! Recently, I've made them for our church and by popular demand, made them again! So, in case you're looking for a good/great holiday cookie recipe to try; here's one! Only 69 calories a cookie, that's awesome!

Now, just like every recipe does, this one has lies in it. When I made these cookies, mine only needed to bake for six minutes! SIX!! Maybe it's because we live in Florida and the ovens cook differently. Either way, just watch your cookies closely. I used a lot more cinnamon and sugar than they listed as well. Also, here are a few items you may want to go ahead and get out...

Cream Of Tartar= weird ingredient but it is necessary. Also a bowl of cinnamon and sugar, a cookie scoop to make things a lot easier, and a metal spatula. The only way I could get these cookies off of the pan was with a metal spatula. Maybe I should try using parchment paper next time. Remember, you have to chill your dough for at least an hour so don't make these if you're in a rush! Enjoy!

Jude was an excellent helper! 


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