Caramel Popcorn

If you're looking for the recipe, scroll down to the bottom. What's more important than popcorn? People! So, before I show you pictures of this fun recipe I have to tell you about some special people behind the popcorn making process. Join me. 

I chose to make this recipe as party favors for a very important baby shower! This is my sister Jill and her husband Kevin who are expecting a little boy in January. I am so excited, aaah! My parents will then have six grandchildren and three of them will have been born within 13 months. How amazing? God is so good! Jill and Kevin live in St. Louis so I will have to make a big trip up there to go see this baby! My heart breaks that we will be raising our children so many states away but I know God has a plan! 
Jill will make the most wonderful mother. After all, you could say that she was one of my mothers. In case I haven't told you many times before, I am the youngest of five girls. "FIVE GIRLS, WOW" is surely to follow. However, what made my family of seven special was not the number, but the Spirit of God in our house. We love each other with a love that can only be understood with the help of the almighty grace of God. GRACE. Through the fights over who takes the first shower, who gets Lea Ann's room when she moves out, and who ate the last Little Debby...five girls that still love each other to this day! Jill was an instrument in showing me that love. She was there to sit me down when my older sister Amy and I were fighting about PJ Sparkles or who didn't brush their teeth. Arms folded, eyebrows crossed with scowls on our faces, she sat us down to make us talk. To tell us to forgive each other, to make us say we're sorry, and to mean it. All because God loved us first! 1 John 4:19 tells us that we love because HE FIRST loved us. She was also there after silly break ups, bad grades on a test,  questions about God, and to share music with me. Jill plays the piano like you wouldn't believe. You can't even comprehend all the notes that come out of those fingers at once. "Jill it's time for dinner, stop playing... Jill ... Jiiiiiiiiil... JILL!" "Come help clean up dinner." She ALWAYS played piano. I wish I could hear her play right now! What people may not know is that she can also sing, really well. We actually had the chance to sing together for a women's retreat in Tennessee with Belle Aire Baptist Church. I could go on and on about how Jill always encouraged me to keep singing and writing songs to the Lord. What's most important though, is that I KNOW they will raise their child to love our great God who has a plan for His children. He loves us! I love you Jillbo!  

You may already recognize the family below if you're a dedicated follower of this blog. This is Jennifer, Kendal, and Ryleigh Coon.

 I enjoyed taking sweet pictures of Jennifer while she was expecting as well as additional pictures of Ryleigh when she was born. These are some amazing friends of ours from Tennessee. We didn't just "go to church," we shared life with them. We would go on walks together, share meals together, and share what God was teaching us! Jennifer graciously hosted our small group gathering at her house many times and I specifically remember her making this amazing caramel popcorn! I was so impressed with her sweet making skills! She's one of the most giving people I know. Sometimes we would go to her house and she would whip out this huge casserole or large pot of soup for us that was made with love! She always had something for me or for Jude that was just what we needed. For example, she would give me toys, some formula, diapers, or anything leftover that they didn't need anymore. She consistently made an effort to think of others first and worked diligently to keep her house together and make sure that Kendall and Ryleigh knew that they were loved! :) I'm so glad that we still keep in touch but I sure do miss having her close by to call in a moments notice! This verse comes to mind when I think about them; I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20. Constantly encouraging, giving, and loving others. She definitely blessed me with this caramel corn recipe, thank you girl!

Back to the popcorn business. Start with two bags of popped popcorn in a large greased baking dish.

Caramel Popcorn

2 bags popped popcorn (I used Tender White Orville Redenbacher)
1 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup butter (one stick)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp vanilla extract ( I always use Watkins)

Pop the popcorn, grease a large baking dish, place popcorn into one large greased baking pan. No remaining kernels allowed, some people have expensive dental work! Haha! You can add peanuts to this if you'd like! Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Combine the brown sugar, corn syrup, and butter in a saucepan over medium low heat and stir constantly. You may add 1/2 tsp salt if your popcorn is unsalted. TIP: Once the mixture begins to boil, make sure you turn your stove to low. I'd say a 3/10 if your dial has numbers. Boil for five minutes while stirring every inch of the pot! Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and baking soda. The caramel should begin to look frothy! (See below) Pour caramel over popcorn, stir gently. Do not worry about coating the popcorn completely. Place in the oven for 45 minutes but you'll remove the pan to stir the popcorn every 15 minutes. Let popcorn cool on waxed paper to remove clumps. Enjoy!
Mix together one cup of dark brown sugar, 1/4 cup light corn syrup, and 1 stick butter. (see recipe for details)
If the temperture of the caramel gets too hot, then your caramel will take on a different function than you want it to. For example, one time I made this recipe and the caramel hardened too quickly and  wouldn't spread over the popcorn.
Don't worry about covering the popcorn completely. You will stir it a total of three times over 45 minutes which will help cover it evenly...

Let the popcorn cool on waxed paper to avoid clumps.

I had so much fun putting these bags together for Jill's shower! In case you're thinking of having a pumpkin themed baby shower, you can find these tags and much more on Etsy here. I ordered from a precious lady with the store named "Birdie Says Caw Caw." She is so talented, quick, and creative! I'll definitely be ordering from her again. See some of her deigns below...

You may not have know it but, if you make this recipe then you're taking part in the candy making process and candy is very temperamental. I was going to try to explain it all to you but this chart does a wonderful job in case you're interested. The holidays are coming up and you could try some new candy recipes and bless your friends! The possibilities are endless! Have fun!


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