Turning 26!

(Kelsey posted this picture on Instagram and I stole it!) I had such a great time celebrating my birthday this year! It was definitely strange not having family around for the first time in a very long time! I think the fact that I received cards in the mail all the way from Tennessee and other states made me realize how far away I was. I'm not only in Florida, I'm almost at the very end of the state! My heart was very torn when I woke up in the morning. August 19th is my actual birthday but the day before, after our Desire Church gathering, Blake surprised me by gathering a group of our friends for dinner at Sal's! I walked in and there were the Olson's and the Gibbs! Kelsey made this delicious strawberry cake that you see above! I felt so special that someone would make a cake for me! I know how much hard work it is; making a cake is a big commitment haha! Little Jude sat next to me and was so enamored by the glowing candles. I love seeing life through his little eyes, he's always amazed by the littlest things! I ordered a yummy veggie pizza and Blake ordered Penne Alla Vodka...YUM! 

At the restaurant, the Olson family gave me some very precious cards and a blue bracelet! I about had tears in my eyes when I opened the cards because they were so thoughtful! Blake and I thought to ourselves that it won't be long and Jude will be making creations like these...
I also was given a beautiful hand made necklace that my friend Katelin made for me! Katelin goes to our church (Desire Church) and her mom Shannon and I are friends. I can't believe she made this for me! I feel so special! It's it cool?

Here's a picture of Katelin who made the necklace for me, and her mom Shannon. I hope they don't mind me stealing this picture from Facebook haha! 

For my actual birthday Blake had more surprises up his sleeve! For my birthday gift, he took the time to pick out some casual "mommy clothes" for me. Isn't that so sweet? See, lately Over the past few years my wardrobe has mainly consisted of business clothes, maternity clothes, and pajamas! I made the mistake of wearing a lot of my regular cute clothes while I was pregnant and right after I had Jude; NOT smart! That means that some of my favorite go-to shirts are now too fluffy and they look pretty silly! I know they're just clothes but I've never been a T-shirt kind of girl unless I'm working out. You know? Just because I stay home with Jude doesn't mean I can't still look presentable! (soapbox finished) Blake aslo gave me what I've been asking for; a new iPod hookup for my car! I can't wait to listen to music off my phone or iPod instead of CDs! 

Blake also surprised me by having Kelsey and Dwayne over to babysit Jude while we went out and got some seriously delicious sushi, TCBY, and we saw Jobs which is the movie about Steve Jobs who is the creator of Apple/Mac computers. It was such a treat to spend the evening with my wonderful husband and not have to tote around my fashionable but very large diaper bag! Walking around the outdoor mall to our restaurant, it felt like we were back in the old days without little man! We missed Jude so much by the time we got home we had to wake him up and snuggle with him! 

On top of all the wonderful gifts I received, I also got some very thoughtful cards and birthday money in the mail that were greatly appreciated! However, I do have to say that the gift that Kelsey and Blake put together along with the help of some very special loved ones in my life... made me cry the most! 
When we walked in the door from our date there was a large present on the table; I couldn't wait to open it but we had to get the recap on how Jude's evening was! After we were informed of how adorable he was and saw the adorable video Kelsey captured;

 I finally got to open this...

In case you can't read it, it reads "Caroline's letters of love." At first I thought to myself, " did Blake give all the love letters and notes that I wrote him to Kelsey and she put them in a book? I don't want everyone reading those notes... (panic)!!" However, these were all handwritten and typed letters from my family and friends! You know who you are! Yes, my cup runneth over! The tears came falling out of my eyes and I couldn't help but turn through the whole book to see who wrote a letter. I kept saying, "aw" after seeing who wrote each note! I have a best friend and husband who really care about me to put such a sweet project together! I felt and still feel so special! Your words of encouragement mean the world to me my friends! Not to mention, it's a beautiful arrangement!
I blurred the pages a little so that the letters are confidential :) you snoopers!

"We wish you didint moov aaa :(" I'm still crying over this letter from my nephew. I wish I didn't have to move so far away either, Parker, Jackson, and Mallory! I miss your hugs, kisses, you asking me what I'm eating, your crafts, everything. I miss Jackson and his big grins and Mallory and her twinkling eyes that beg for you to say, "you're so cute Mallory!" 
Even little Jude Allen wrote me a letter! Kelsey and Dwayne went to great lengths to get this handprint while they were babysitting! Jude still has little bits of white paint around his cuticles but that's alright because it reminds me of this precious little handprint! I love being his mom, I love being Blake's wife, and I love being your friend and family member. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this! I'm so blessed by all of you.

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
― William Shakespeare


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