Jude's Room

It's hard to believe that there will be a little baby in our house very soon. I'm not sure that I comprehend this "What to Expect" app on my phone when it tells me that I have four weeks and four days until my due date; surely it's talking about someone else! Just in case the app is correct or Jude decides to come early, we've prepared a place for him! We have a nice little heirloom bassinet right beside our bed that he can sleep, cry, burp, spit up, scream, giggle and repeat in for the first few weeks and then, he's off to the crib! That is, of course, if we don't sell our house in the middle of that time. We're not going to talk about that yet!! Today is November 5th and we currently reside in White House, TN and for that, I am very thankful. Thankful for my handsome husband, the cold air, the kitty cat next to me, and good ol' TENNESSEE! 

As you can see, I didn't let this whole Florida plan ruin my decorating plans for the nursery. No way! Grays, yellows, whites, and some navy just for Jude. Preparing a room for a baby is exciting but it's not as important as preparing our minds, hearts, and relationship for a child! My bedside table has about ten books that I'm reading through that range from the topics of breastfeeding, baby brain development, female brain development, sleeping techniques, Godly parenting, you name it! I still have a lot to learn. For example, how do we tackle maternity leave + screaming baby + trying to sell our home + showing our home + preparing for Florida + finding jobs and a place to live in Florida + holidays + I lost my job because my boss passed away + Blake is working two full time jobs + possible snow + the unexpected? We don't tackle it. It's so hard not to try to take control. I have to talk to myself a lot, "Caroline!!! Anxiety and fear are not from the Lord! Don't go crazy before possible postpartum and mommy brain attack!" (haha)

2 Timothy 1:7 reminds me that "God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 
God is so much bigger than our circumstances in life. Whew, I need to repeat that every morning. We repeat the same cycle as the Israelites and the best part is... GOD ALWAYS SHOWS UP.
Sorry that I had to ruin Jude's cute little blog post but seriously, we have a lot to be thankful for as children of God and should have no time to complain. We have to choose to live ONE DAY AT A TIME and trust and pray that Jesus is faithful and cares for us. He's already given us his son and salvation so I should be overwhelmed with gratefulness. You know the scripture?! 

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

This doesn't mean that we have to pretend to be happy or without pain. I can not stand it when people pretend like everything is ok but we're not supposed to just read God's word, we're supposed to DO it. Come, Take, Learn, and Find. Lord, help us!!! 
Thank you Kelsey for the lovely "J!" Thank you Michael's and Walgreens for coupons!
Thank you to my amazing husband who hung the lanterns and assembled the crib! Thank you to Blake's lovely momma who hand made the bedding! Granna and Lonas also gave us the crib, chest, and changing table; a big thanks! Follow the link to see some of her hard work in action! I have to show off her handiwork! 
Bedskirt, bumper, and blanket all made by the lovely Leigh Ann Overholt. (Blake's mother) Oh, they're too precious!
Had to show off the whole blanket!! We had so much fun picking out the fabric. 
the back is minky dot!!! 
Also a big thank you to Blake's Mamaw, her mother, Jessie, and Wanda at church who also made us hand made blankets! Mamaw's blanket is not pictured here because it is packed in my trunk and ready to go to the hospital! 
Here is a very special blanket that Blake's great grandmother made! It just happens to be the perfect color. 
Thank you to Blake's Nana who gave us this sweet rocking chair to rock baby in!
I'm sure this area will see the most action! Let's see how long we can keep that wall clean and free of any hmmm, how do you say, accidents!
I had fun folding little boats while Blake did a great job assembling this! 
Thank you shower in Maryville for the coolest diaper bag! 
widdle shoes for his widdle toes
Thank you to Meredith and Xander who made this awesome painting!
Had fun crafting these guys :)
He's ready to be snuggled and wiped!
some of the first clothes he will wear :)


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