105 Cupcakes

I'm pretty sure this was the largest order of cupcakes that I've had so far! Our friends from church were married in Kentucky last weekend and they had asked me to provide the cupcakes as a wedding cake. Didn't it turn out great? I was so proud! 

Oh, and yes, the wedding was in Kentucky so that means these widdle cakes went on a widdle vacation. Let me tell you about our adventure! We drove six and a half hours of what was supposed to be five, with a GPS that kept telling us to simply "take turn off road" and "take trail on left." We found out that "trail" and "off road" meant driving down a mountain side or on a gravel road that was half the width of our honda accord. NO THANKS. We finally decided to pull over and ask the two fellas in overalls to point us in the right direction. They had no idea where we were trying to go but they did know how to tell us to   "get over this mountain." Thankfully, we arrived with five minutes to spare! It is funny now but it definitely was not funny then; especially with a hundred little cakes sliding from side to side in the back seat. Not to mention how heavenly the car smelled, tempting me the whole time, "eat me!" Thank goodness for the Little Debbie's Oatmeal Cream Pie that I found stashed for such an emergency. As my friend Brittany once said, "Little Debbie made me Big Brittany." I think of her each time I'm tempted to eat more sweets than I should. She's lost so much weight, so proud. Whoops, off track. 

So, the wedding was in Kentucky because our friends decided to get married there after serving with some missionaries from our church. A couple named Chad and Ryan live there (male and female don't worry) and currently serve at a ranch style community center. It's amazing how the Lord has provided so many resources for them!! I know they have impacted so many lives. 

Before we get to the cupcakes I have to tell you how God moved in our hearts that weekend. Without telling you so much that you get completely confused, we stayed at an old Civil War/ Cole Mining hospital that was turned into a retreat center. Here is the website since I neglected to take pictures. A man named Lonnie Riley and his wife Belinda own many ministries and live in the area to serve the community. Lonnie had a chance to share his testimony/ ministry with us as he talked about how he had once made six figures, had a four bedroom home, nice car, etc. He said that the Lord called him to this area to spread the Gospel and the Lord had since shown him that all he needs is Jesus. 

 Lonnie explained how it is especially hard for us as Americans to set our focus completely on Christ.  I know that we set our focus too much on money, success, our house, having children, being safe, being "ok." I think John Piper put it best in his book, "Don't Waste Your Life." This is exactly what Blake and I needed to hear, to always set our focus on Jesus alone. Not doing, doing, doing. It's not easy!! Life will be well lived if we just learn to need Jesus, and only Jesus. To obey Him when he calls us. We may not have everything we think we need or want but getting to the place where Jesus is enough... I think it will be worth it. Lonnie told us many miracles and signs that the Lord had shown him since he lived in Kentucky; it was so amazing to hear his stories of faith and how the Lord really did provide everything that he needed. Even down to a tub of cookie dough that was left on his front porch one day... they baked all of that dough and went door to door sharing the love of Jesus that Christmas. That is what we are all called to... to share Christ on a daily basis. You can't say that there aren't any opportunities. Hello!! We left thinking, "Wow, our God is so BIG, why do we doubt Him?"

I had the privilege of making snicker doodle, strawberry, and lemon cupcakes
all of them topped with heavenly cream cheese frosting... homemade of course!

before the wedding festivities, Blake and I went along with our pastor and his wife to do some site seeing

 we were told this was the rock that looks like a tree... who knows!? "They" forgot to mentioned that the rock that looks like a tree was littered up by a million signatures such as "john loves kate"
 Yeah! The cupcakes made it safely up and down the hills of Tennessee and Kentucky. We were both relieved to get these baby cakes out of the car! By the way, does it look like i'm showing yet? I wish I was! 
Next, is the part where you see a million more pictures of up close cupcakes and wish that you had one of them in front of you. Here we go! 


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