Soapbox: A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech.

I hardly do this but here's my Soapbox moment! (Well, I do this in person but just not on this blog much ahah) so, it's important!

OUR FULL POTENTIAL (limited, human, earthly) VS GOD'S POTENTIAL

I'm saddened as much as I am disgusted. Joel Osteen is speaking in Nashville this week...BARF! I don't hate him but I HATE his message. First, I pray that God would open the eyes of these followers who will never satisfy their hunger. Sorry to be so crass but I actually bought this book in when I was in high school thinking that it would be encouraging. I remember specifically taking the book, trying to decide wether it would go in the trash bag, the Goodwill bag, or take to college bag.  (this still happens ahah) I didn't give it another chance to corrupt anyone else's life... I wanted to burn it but for the sake of not appearing as an ever more dramatic graduating senior...I just threw it in my trash bag with an added "stupid book!!"

If you don't know already, Joel not only thinks but has convinced the LARGEST CHURCH IN AMERICA that God promises us health, material wealth, and prosperity. This world will never be enough to satisfy! My heart breaks for those who believe that life is about chasing after little slips of green paper. It also breaks when I'm in a season of chasing it.... though I know the truth I'm not perfect.

As John Piper says, "DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE." Amazing sermon...yes it's on youtube. How much more can the Gospel be cheapened? Even that "cool video pastor" Rob Bell has decided that there is no Hell. If there is no Hell then WHY did Jesus have to die? He died to first and formost GLORIFY the FATHER and second, for us to not only have merely eternal life... but life abundant in wisdom and spiritual riches WITH HIM.

Jesus never promises wealth, he taught the opposite! If life is all about materialism then I guess people who don't have anything don't really live?! Oh, Lord I am so thankful that you break us with suffering so we can SEE you. We live through a daily battle against materialism and I'm not about to cover it with the Gospel to make myself feel good. Just like any other element that can be abused, the SIN lies within the man not the object. We all know of this world's stale allure. Just as Christ GAVE everything... he compels me to give. ALL.

Philippians 1:29
For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him


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