Rocky Mountain High!

Oh those BLUE SKIES! We had such a great trip to Colorado! I hope you know John Denver's song "Rocky Mountain High." You should listen to it every time you drive into CO! Blake and I had never been there together so it was very special. I had been there with my youth group and actually a youth choir where we sang everywhere between TN and CO...even for James Dobson! We visited with Blake's sister Whitney and her husband Patrick...and of course their doggies! I went on my second venture skiing on those amazing slops, Blake had his first Colorado skiing experience, and we both had our first trail ride out west! Can you believe we actually went to the Melting Pot too; now that's a vacation! Although we had a great time with Blake's mom, sister, and brother-in-law, the trip just wasn't the same without Papa Lonas! He's not officially called Papa Lonas but his daughter has a little one on the way! We're trying to help pick out Grandparent names for them... for Leigh Ann I thought of Mama Lee or LiLo. Maybe? ahaha so exciting! Here's a few shots of our adventure! Grateful for sweet tea, green grass, humidity, and believe it or not...rainy days! 


  1. Awesome pictures! Holy wow those slopes looked amazing!


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