Family Of Five

Family of five. I'm still getting used to the idea! Haha! Thank you to my sweet new friend, Amy Ramsaran who took these precious photos for us! She did an incredible job using film and here are the digital proofs. 

Little Hallie was a week old and we were just getting settled into our new routine of having NO routine. It's nice to be on this side of things because the last two months have been pretty challenging.   Now, we're all a lot more rested and feel like we've found a good rhythm. For a while there, we were all just grumpy zombies that needed sleep. More on Hallie later. This third baby business is harder than we anticipated but God has been so gracious to us and always surprises us with his faithfulness. Lord, you surely are our daily bread. Like no other. 

We feel honored to have this little brunette in our house. (finally a baby who might look like ME haha) When I look at these photos I see a time where we desperately needed our family and friends and I'm reminded of each meal, gift, note, and word of encouragement that was provided. I'm blown away by the kindness shown. I'm blown away by God's goodness. 

God, help us to raise her to be a fearless woman of the truth. Help us keep a proper perspective. I so often want to keep record of every thought, every moment that my children make me smile, and then I remember that it's all to the glory of God. Not me. I want my children to grow in the likeness of Christ, not me. I want my children to worship the Lord, not me. I want my family to reflect the life-giver. I hope my children know Jesus is the perfect parent, the perfect Father. Lord, help me not to worship family, my motherly role, my abundance...but to worship YOU. 

Special thanks to Linette who helped tackle the wild children you see here and to Kelsey Gibbs for the adorable bear shirts. Thank you for these precious memories in our backyard, Amy!

P.S.  Please pray that Laurie Kate doesn't squish this poor baby girl!! 


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