September and October

It's that time again! I've got to catch up before the end of the year! It looks like I have just a few hours before 2017 to take a look back at the past four months. We've been to the ER, through a mild hurricane, we've visited with old friends, and had our first full month as a new church. I hope that I can capture just a few glimpses into these special years with little babies at home. 

Jude definitely enjoys school, his friends, play-doh, painting, and playing outside. He loves to sing, write letters, he can read about thirty words, and never stops learning. Laurie Kate loves all things girl! She loves telling other girls that they're pretty, always needs a water cup, is usually dancing in her room with her radio or putting a baby doll to bed. She's my little helper, my sweet snuggle buddy, and definitely knows what she wants! 
Blake and I were so thankful that we were able to visit with Hodge and Tiffany before they left for Portugal. Would you please join us in praying for them? They have such a passion to spread the Gospel in Portugal where there are hardly any other believers. They need your support and prayers! 

Jude and his buddy, Noah. Mister Jude has developed such a love for swimming. We can't wait to put him on a swim team when he's a little older. It's a fight to get him out of the pool! We've had a blast hanging out with some new friends!

our new church website, yay!
After Blake's vist to the ER in August, we unfortunately had to take miss LK in to get some stitches on her scalp. She had fun jumping off a chair and hit her head on a coffee table. She was so brave! 

The forecast kept calling for rain and hurricanes! 

on our way back from visiting with Hodge and Tiffany :)

At this time, Blake was enjoying staying home and working with miss LK. It was such a treat coming home from lunch almost every day to visit with my husband and sweet little girl. 

Our small group friends!

Blake worked SO hard getting our house and many other houses hurricane-ready! I'm thankful that we hardly even got rain or wind from the storm. I know many others were not so fortunate. 

Trey and Shelby came to visit all the way from Tennessee! They came to help watch the Olson boys but we were so glad we could spend some time together. Trey is Blake's best friend from home :)

Key Biscayne, FL (about 45 minutes from our house)

We finally got to see NEEDTOBREATH again! I got Blake tickets way back on Father's Day! 

Before school smiles 
My friends from work! 
I love when these little birds just sit in our flowerbed. Aren't they pretty?

Our neighbors got a new puppy! LK is in love!

LK showing her muscle face! Mommy had a goal to lose all her baby weight before we had a third baby and with the help of my sister and some workout videos, mommy did just that! Woo hoo! 

They love running around at church and looking cute!

Just another normal day at work when a bird flies in!
morning snuggles

our back yard
coloring at the table :)

We LOVE our Grace and Anna!

Our local gelato place can't be beat!

making some pumpkin muffins :)


some pretty flowers I get to enjoy at work 

about 12 weeks :) we can't wait to meet in our baby girl at the end of April!

 We had the BEST time at Zoo Miami. Jude hadn't been in about two years. Mimi and Pop came to town and took us down there and we'll never forget all the adventures we had. Jude loved all the animals and LK especially loved the birds. It was an extra special day at the Zoo though because you could go trick-or-treating! 

 We love Mimi and Pop!

 waiting to pick up brother :)

 this picture cracks me up because it's pretty much sums LK up perfectly!

 We realize this isn't the safest way to let her sleep, but until we leave the room, this is how she likes it! haha!

 Jude was so excited to put on his costume this year! We had been given this funny penguin costume from a friend and I found LK a little polar bear to match. Jude's class (below) decorated a pumpkin for a contest, it's it cool? We didn't make time to carve a pumpkin this year but maybe next year!

 Our small group got together at a friend's house and handed out hot dogs, water, and candy to the neighborhood. Jude and LK got the hang of trick-or-treating very quickly. They had a little practice at the zoo and from our Halloween in Tennessee last year. It was a very special night walking around in the breezy palm-tree covered neighborhood with our friends. I remember the kids fighting over who got to sit in the wagon because they were definitely getting tired of walking around! Gotta make the work for the candy! 

I think our biggest surprise of October was when LK asked me if she could go potty! Hah! She just wants to be like big brother. She asks me a couple times a day to go but I think we'll try to hang on to diapers until her second birthday (in February). I'm excited for her! She's just getting so big :(


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