July and August

Another update! Yay! So, we visited Tennesse for my sister's birthday, (more here) and had a blast with family! We are so thankful that this summer was filled with family visits, swimming, new friends, and the beach! A few pictures from our adventures... 

Jude got to play the drums at our old church in White House, TN. 
My Blake and my step brother, Blake! 
flying home

The kid's first ride on the carousel. Poor Blake, he has a hard time with motion sickness, haha!
Blake has been on a healthy-ice-cream-making binge! The kids get so excited!

All-time favorite activity theses days!

She likes sleeping with my old blanket... yes, it's blue because they thought I was going to be a boy. :(

my beautiful birthday flowers!

Jude has an infatuation with TRAINS and so does his sweet little friend, Noah. So, Noah's genius momma thought up a great way to spend a Saturday; the train station downtown! These youngsters were on cloud nine! You could just see their imaginations brewing! It's been a blast to hang out with new friends! 

I  prayed that God would bring this bush back to life and threw up an extra prayer that it would bloom on a special day.... and it did! MY BIRTHDAY was extra special! 

This guy took me out to a fabulous dinner! 

beach without the kids... yes!

These ladies know how to make me feel loved! Thanks for taking me out to eat! 

stealing Jude's food haha!

new signs!!

Love my sweet friends at work! Thanks for my yummy cake!

...the black eye before she ended up in the ER the following month. Poor LK fell back in her highchair.
Jude has been doing SO WELL with trying new foods including BACON. He loves it! haha!
... and he's been practicing writing his name in the orange

First day of school!

Daddy ended up in the ER for what we thought was a heart attack. He was in SO  MUCH pain and could hardly take a breath but it turned out to be some kind of muscle pain from his chest area that randomly acted up. WHEW! So thankful he's ok!


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