Our February Trip To NC

When you get a full-time job, hobbies take a back seat and sleep becomes more precious than it used to be. We've found a good routine and I love my job but times are a'changin. I hate to neglect writing but spending time with my husband and two little babies obviously takes priority over picture taking and scribbling my thoughts out for the blogging world. Yes, we took a little trip to see my husband's sweet sister back in February... and I realize this is April. Ha!

Since Laurie Kate was turning one and Whitey was turning thirty, it was cause for a celebration! Plus, we just couldn't wait to meet little baby Owen! He is absolutely adorable! We had a blast hugging Mamaw, Papaw, Whitney, Patrick, Owen, Granna, and the most cuddly dogs named Tucker and Duke. We hopped on an airplane, drove over the NC border to a little town outside of SC and settled in for the chilly weekend. Blake and I didn't know how to handle the freezing temperatures. Jude kept looking at his bright red hands on the playground and wondering why he couldn't feel them! Haha! Laurie Kate practically laid on the dogs the entire weekend. (can't wait to one day have a yard and a dog) We got to go hiking, see Tucker show off his amazing skills, eat some amazing food, hug some family, and it even snowed! When I say amazing food, I mean some delicious southern cake, snack mix, Italian roast, roasted veggies, salad, and more. We were stuffed to the brim!

Our first priority after landing was to find the nearest BBQ joint. See, here in South Florida we don't have quality southern style BBQ. You know, the hickory smoked kind that is tender, shredded, and covered in red sauce and vinegar. Plus, you gotta have cornbread and fixins! So, we got our fix at Jim N' Nicks. MMMM. The second that I walked into the restaurant, I had some reverse culture shock from all the thick southern accents. "Huuuney can I help yeeew?" I almost laughed out loud because the waitress' thick southern drawl sounded so exaggerated I thought she was joking! Ha! I felt myself miss the multiple accents I hear daily here in South Florida.

We couldn't wait to let Jude play outside and experience a grassy yard with no gators or snakes in it! Haha! Honestly, I was really struggling with contentment on this trip. I kept asking God why we had to live sooo stinkin' far from family. WHY?!?! See, North Carolina feels a lot like home. The mountains looked like home, the people talked like home, and we were with some family. However, I realized that my perception of "home" has changed. I don't know that I'll ever feel at home again. We have moved more times than I can count... maybe eight? If I'm in Tennessee, I miss Florida. If I'm in Florida, I miss Tennessee. So, what's the answer? (this gets me sooo frustrated, haha)

Yes, the Sunday School answer rings true once again: J E S U S

A sweet friend reminded me of this verse this week:

"You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever." Psalm 16:11. 

I'll never find FULL JOY in anything or anyone else but Jesus. When I say Jesus, I mean walking with Him, focusing on His promises, His truth, and my identity in Him. There is no perfect date night that brings me FULL joy. There is no amount of children, the perfect church plant, the best friend, the perfect weight, the most delicious dessert, house, song, or experience that can satisfy me. Maybe I'm just crazy but I'm sure somebody can relate. I have a great day and then I have a bad day and I'm down, discouraged, and wondering when something is going to change.

Sometimes we lose patience with Jude because he has a hard time deciding what he wants... especially if he's tired. It goes something like this...

Me: Jude, do you want milk or water?
Jude: Milk
Me: Ok. (serving the milk)
Jude: Nooooo, not milk. I don't want it.
Me: Ok, so do you want water?
Jude: Yes
Me: (serving water)
Jude: Nooooo, not water. Milk. Not that milk. Pink milk. 
Me: We don't have pink milk. What are you talking about?
Jude: I want water.
Me: (head in my hands)

Jude and I are so much alike. We both need a lot of hugs, we both like to take a bath every day, we both like to sing, and we both CAN'T MAKE UP OUR MIND. Gosh, I don't know how the Lord is so patient with me. I feel like the discontent little child that is crying out to God, "not that one, this one!" I pray that this season of discontentment helps me understand that there is no contentment outside of the Lord. Every day that I don't seek the Lord, I'm one foot deeper in my selfishness, unthankfulness, and discontentment. Just as I'm not just Jude's means of meeting His needs physically, Jesus is SO MUCH more than the giver. He is LIFE. He is the definition of LOVE.  

I pray that the Lord would unveil my eyes and heart to see the beauty of where He has placed me today. 

Right now. 

I'm sitting in a comfy chair, missing but praising the Lord for family friends back home, listening to the gator mating calls (yes, Youtube this) and crickets, my husband is relaxing, someone gave me a bagel today, Jude asked me to sing to him tonight, Laurie Kate gave me a long hug this evening, I get to have a girl's night tomorrow, I sang at the top of my lungs in my van today to this song, my children are sound asleep, there are palm trees (PALM TREES!!!) in my yard, there's a beautiful lakeside sunset in my backyard each evening, we are going to the beach tomorrow,  I love my job, we are a part of a special church plant.... all whispers of God's graces and love for me. 

I pray that I can remember to keep my heart guarded, to talk to my Father and praise Him for all He is, all he has given to me, and His faithfulness and patience with me. 

His words come to mind... To live is Christ, to die is gain. As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Praise the Lord for these beautiful faces! :)


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