Our Third Florida Christmas

Blake did an incredible job with the lights this year! woo hoo! love you!

I love tradition. However, it seems as though every Christmas looks a little different for us. Sometimes we are in Tennessee and sometimes we're at our house in Florida.  Sometimes Blake surprises me with a cat and sometimes I give him books about dogs but no actual dog... haha! I'm thankful that even though we may not have the most consistent traditions, God is consistent to meet us right where we are! It's difficult to push all the hustle and bustle of the holidays aside and just sit expectantly for our sweet Father. Lord, thank you for such a special time of togetherness with our family and friends!

We've tried to keep a few traditions as we begin our little family. We like to go look at the Christmas lights, eat a lot of cookies, and put up decorations. This year, we were lucky to have Mimi and Pop come visit us! Jude couldn't contain his excitement each morning. The first thing he said when he woke up was, "want to go see Mimi and Pop." He would rush into their sofa bed and snuggle up until his tummy growled for breakfast. Mimi and Pop came for a few days, went on their relaxing cruise, and then came back on Christmas Eve. 

We spent time together at our Christmas Eve service, opened a few presents, ate a big healthy spread of veggie flatbreads, mashed potatoes, kale and beans, fruit, Honey Baked Ham, Andes Mint cookies, Chex Mix, and more. I'm all about special food! We visited the Everglades, went on walks together, played with toys, jumped on the beds, cried our eyes out to Dolly Parton's TV movie, "My Coat Of Many Colors," and we talked until midnight. Togetherness has become more and more precious over the years. 

Even though season change, friends come and go, and life changes quickly, Jesus doesn't change. It was so exciting to see how Jude understood Christmas in a new way this year. He was able to understand that Jesus was born in a manger to Mary and Joseph. He could shout, "Merry Christmas!" He was fascinated with the lights, a special Disney Christmas Movie on Netflix, and he loved singing Christmas songs. I'm so excited, as the years progress, to help him learn more and more about Jesus. I certainly need to relearn all about Jesus as much as I can as well. 

Our friends were happy to receive cinnamon rolls for presents this year!

celebrating Christmas Eve :)

Jude LOVES this awesome magnet letter toy from Aunt Kelsey :)

LK flirting with the neighbors
We had SO much fun getting together with our neighbors to wait on the Santa Clause that comes in the firetruck. Jude didn't care at all about Santa, but he LOVES firetrucks! It was a magical evening.
I just love the look of excitement on his face while the firetruck drove away...HONK HONK!
more snuggles with Mimi!!

Watching Jude enjoy making cookies just made my heart smile!

 "It's a BOX!"
It's snowing!

Jude loves his new Thomas tent!!

Jude's birthday present tree :)

the incredible train that Grandad made!
The same night that the firetruck came to our neighborhood, Blake was able to go hang out with our friends at Children's Harbor and Desire Church to host a big Christmas celebration!

I'm so thankful for this special Christmas season in this sunny state :)


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