Eight Months With Laurie Kate

Sister! We hardly ever say your actual name. (which is Laurie like "sorry", once again) Haha! You are developing a spunky attitude, little miss. You're determined! Haha! You started clapping your hands and it's super adorable. You've also started pulling up on everything, crawling more quickly, and you always want to have me in sight. You love bothering your brother's toys while he plays with them and trying to tickle him. Jude likes his space! 

You turned eight months on 10-9-15 and I can't believe it!

I love dressing you up in little outfits but honestly, you only wear normal clothes on Sunday. Most of the clothes you wear get soiled quickly. You are entertained by picking up some cereals and chunky vegetables and fruits. You're almost interested in swallowing them but right now, they just make a nice confetti covering on the floor. Lolly cat enjoys the free snacks. You LOVE to eat/teeth on apples with me each afternoon and if I don't give you a slice, your little temper comes out. Haha! You love going to see your friends on Sunday and everyone is always talking about your blue eyes. You're still working on some hair but that's ok, you don't hate your bows yet. My favorite part of your day is getting you out of your crib in the morning. Jude always says, "good morning, sister!" Melts my heart. You enjoy sleeping from about 7-6:30 and when I come in your room, your whole body wriggles with joy. It's the best moment. You love to giggle at your brother but you also just giggle to yourself all the time. I don't know where you get that from...haha! You also love your little Minnie Mouse that Mimi gave you... it's a must! Girl, you're just so squishy and lovely.

This month.

I'm just holding back tears thinking about this month. So much joy and fellowship sprinkled with pain, shock, and time on my knees. This month has not been an easy one. I'm thankful for chaos because it forces me to worship with ALL THAT I GOT. Haha! To worship extravagantly. By worship, I mean crying out to God, singing in the streets while jumping up and down with two tots in a stroller to those worship lyrics that are just preachin', and deleting my Facebook app because I just don't have time for that distraction when my heart is heavy. Whew. 

Speaking of chaos... some nights little LK wakes up at like 3:00AM and screeeeeams. Most of the time, you just want your pacifier that's fallen out of the crib. I'm beginning to think this is a scheme; you just want to see us! However, your little midnight tantrums reminded me of how often I throw tantrums. Yikes. Yes, me. Sometimes I just go bizerk from the smallest things, things worthy of tantrums, and especially when I've misplaced something. When you've bonked your head or just need me to hold you, I delight in calming you down. "It's ok, little one!" Just as we (Blake's the best daddy) delight in comforting you and telling you that it's going to be alright, how much more does my heavenly Father care for me? Just as I think you're losing your paci on purpose to see me, I know that life will always have struggles because God wants us to draw near to Him. Romans 8:28 promises us that all thing work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. So, come what may. I know it's going to come. And I know God will show me His glory!

Sometimes I want justice, to linger in my emotions and self pity, and to testify to everyone around me of what I'm facing. How annoying. However, my sweet Father gently reminds me that HE IS LISTENING. I can rest in His presence. I certainly can't find much rest elsewhere. My husband is amazing and faithfully stands beside me through the (awesome and spirit-filled) roller coaster of church planting, brokenness, parenting battles, financial curve balls, and weight struggles (evil birth control, grrr). Through the Lord's gentle guidance and grace, I will overcome. There will be a November. There will be new seasons, new beginnings, and more valleys that God will be faithful to bring us through. God helps me forgive, lifts my head, lifts my burdens, and helps me persevere. Life is always unpredictable but my God is predictable; He will always, always, always be with me. I don't know what I'd do without him. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for these breezy days in Florida, time with family, new friends, sand castles, schools of fish, gators in my backyard, gelato, walks around the neighborhood, free Chick-Fil-A sandwich coupons, four kids in a tub, Iguana chasing, for my husband, for the power in music, that potty training is almost over, and for your presence.

He brought me this paragraph in my Bible study and this passage right when I needed it; "Fill your heart today with the precious promises given to all who believe. Nothing can separate you from the love of God interceding on your behalf. No matter the rejection or hardships you face on this earth, you have the promise of his presence. He will not leave or forsake you but will continue to pursue you with His love all the days of your life. (HALELUJAH) Our husbands and children may one day run out of love for us. Friends may desert us. Foes may rise up against us. Yet, in all these things, we are more than conquerors because of the love of God for us in Christ." - Melissa B. Kruger

Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. Lamentations 3:22 

This has been a busy month. We had Aunt Amy, Uncle Kevin, Elise, and baby Jack in town! Whew, we had a blast! I was literally counting down the days until they arrived. There's like nine grandchildren on my side of the family so it's a special treat when we can get together with just a few cousins at a time. My sister Amy is only two years older than me so, basically, we were inseparable growing up. Amy and Caroline. All the time. Always in trouble. I just praise the Lord that we don't hate each other because man, we were always arguing! He has brought us a long way. It's such a joy to be friends, encourage each other in marriage, relationships, mothering, swap recipes, to forgive, go on walks together, and just talk, talk, talk. We have so much to be thankful for. Come back, please! Just move here! :(

We had to pack in their visit with fun Florida things to do for the kids (and us grown ups). We visited a local zoo that I didn't know existed, went to the beach, went to our neighborhood park, to a splash pad, to Chick-Fil-A, had separate date nights and even a date together, and got to hang out with our new friends Jenessa and Steven. Whew! 
Oh yeah, look at those studs with the strollers. This just makes my heart so happy.
 I just love birds of prey! Aren't they're soo coooool!?? Most of these live in our backyard...not kidding.
 Haha! Jude was not so sure about this giant bird.
 I think Elise wanted to take it home. 
 so beautiful!

 I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Time to lather up! So sweet!

 My precious baby girl LOVES the water! She's a Florida girl indeed.
 Jude gets very excited about the beach!

There was a couple schools of fish that came by!!
somebody get ahold of my poor child in the middle of the ocean... thank you Blake!
Roland makes awesome baby tents, haha!

 DATE NIGHT! Woo hoo! Thanks to my Hawaiian sister, Mary Beth, I was able to wear these beautiful earrings that she made. We also discovered a local authentic gelato place... oh man. They do  mint chocolate chip right. MMM!
 This picture is very misleading. Jude hates haircuts, thus the mop-head effect. He rocked the mop and curls but it was just time for a change... 
Laurie Kate taking her first selfie... haha!
Jude's favorite phrase,"can you fix my train?" 

 the Lord brought us the perfect weather just in time for my sister to come in town. Thank you, Lord!

GO VOLS!!!!!


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