Seven Months With LK

Laurie Kate! Again, to clarify, it's Laurie like "sorry." Haha! You started saying "mama" today and I am thrilled! Otherwise, all day you sweetly chirp "dada." We can't get enough of your grins and snuggles. You still sleep about twelve hours, have three naps, and hours of bouncing in your bouncy seat. You crack us up with your giant bounces in that crazy toy! You're getting so strong and have just recently started sitting up on your own and scooting all over the place. Your poor little head is beginning to have all those bumps on it from when you topple over. I try to keep you as cushioned as possible but gosh, these tile floors just aren't baby friendly. (but they are potty training friendly, haha) You like Cheerios, baby food that we make, and we're still waiting on your first tooth. You're practically crawling but not enough for me to have to start worrying that you'll move to the next room. Thank you for being so nice to mommy and daddy! You're little giggle makes me smile amongst all the chaos in this house. We have our good share of happy chaos and I wouldn't have it any other way. Every day is a gift. 

I've been reading a new book this month called "Walking With God In Seasons Of Motherhood." It's by Melissa B Kruger. Oh man. I'm so thankful that my friend introduced me to it because sometimes I feel blindsided by the fact that I'm a mom. Where's the instruction manual for nursing a baby while potty training a toddler?? The journey of parenting, mothering, and marriage with it's twists and turns sometimes has me overwhelmed and in a tailspin. I want to give 100% to all these areas of my life and the fact is, I can't. So what do I do? This book points me in the right direction; glorify God and enjoy Him. Wow. Is it really that simple? Yes. When I have my glasses on, I can see a lot better. When I've eaten a meal, my hungry monster attitude shrinks. The same is true about life. When I spend time with my Father, my outlook on life changes. He provides me peace, joy, patience, and is there with me while I'm wiping up messes, nursing, and my head is fuming with anger. It's not easy raising these little blue-eyed babies but it's such a comfort to know that my God is big enough to handle my chaos. I have so much to be thankful for. My own strength will always fail me. I have the best husband in the world but he can't be my rock. He points me to the rock. Thank you, Lord.

My greatest goal in parenting is to love Jesus and for that love to overflow to my family. I want them to know God and delight in Him!  

 We've had so many adventures together this month! Here we go... 
you look so much like your brother...
Yup, that's big boy underwear! I never knew I'd be so thankful for tile. Jude has done SO WELL with potty training. I could go into all the details but you get the picture... he's a work in progress
 I have the best men in the world. At the church picnic :)
It's rainy season here in Florida. We ran into Chick-Fil-A and just stared at you while you contently ate your ice cream cone. You don't eat any other sweets other than some dark chocolate so when we go out to eat, you get the best ice cream in town.  

 Right before Blake hurt his nose with a Go Pro camera! Haha! We set up this fun back to school party and it was a blast! I wish I could have gone.
 Our neighbors had a little block party and Jude loved to bounce
Laurie Kate and Liam :)
 Jude had a blast at Liam and Lincoln's house... until they got into trouble of jumping on the top bunk!
Haha! Jude must have been starved for attention 

one of our favorite places to go with mister Jude is this splash pad in Plantation, FL
They have the best dad in the whole world
 I have the best view while nursing... makes me want to just cry right now haha

mmmm... our small group and I devoured some homemade cinnamon rolls. they're the Pioneer Woman's recipe... ooooh man they were hard work but irresistible! 
 I believe this marks Jude's first donut. He loved it! He had a blast going to get a treat with Anna and Grace with mister Jason. Thanks again!
apparently the straw was making a really silly sound, haha!
hmmm... trouble!


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