Five Months With Laurie Kate

More and more, we're feeling like you've always been with us. I forget how stationary babies are for the first few months... you just kinda stay where we put you. You can roll over and play on your tummy but right now, you love to sit in the Bumbo and chew on your rubber keys. Nothing else seems as exciting except your brother. Jude can get you belly laughing like no other! Seriously, your dad and I have made so many silly noises and you won't laugh for us. Only Jude. I can see your little head bobbing back and forth as you watch us pace the rooms. Your cheeks just sit there and beg to be kissed. I can't help but say, "you're sooo sweeet," to you all day long.

 It's been a busy month with family visiting, a mini vacation to Naples, going to the beach, saying goodbye to friends, and learning a lot about your big brother (more on this later). We had a rough patch getting you to go to sleep for a week or two. Mimi and Becky loved snuggling and rocking you...which is fine with me but it became a habit at night. I love rocking you but I'm a big believer in sleep training because we all need sleep in this house. So, you're back on track and even sleeping on your side! Yay! You're only interested in the paci when you sleep which is fine with me. You're a little smiley baby girl, you're strong, and yes, sometimes you're loud!

Little girl, you always have me thinking. God is always teaching us something (He promises to sanctify us). This phase of my life, I'm being stretched and sharpened by you and Jude. At this rate, I'm pretty sure that Jude is going to memorize the whole dictionary for fun one day, haha! I hope that I can always learn from you two. (maybe more kids in the future) Your dependence on us (and let's be honest, mommy's milk) causes me to ponder how I can depend on my Father and his daily grace. When you wake up from your nap, you sometimes just coo and grin until I come in the room. Most times, you scream until you're red in the face because you are hungry; maybe you don't think I'm going to feed you. Sweet little girl, it's a joy to take care of you. Your daddy and I will do everything in our power to keep you safe, fed, clothed, and disciplined because we love you. I know the same is true of our Heavenly Father. I'm easily distracted and disturbed by my circumstances, my failures, pride, and the unknown. All the while, God calls us into His presence with his daily grace

His grace is everywhere! Sometimes I just say a little "thank you Jesus" because God cares for our every need. This sounds crazy but peanut butter was BOGO this week and I just had to thank the Lord because we eat a lot of peanut butter in this house. That's His grace. Jude would be skin and bones without it! The moment I felt discouraged, someone texted me with words of encouragement. That's His grace. Jude was throwing a temper tantrum so I quickly connected the Pandora radio and behold, Jude's favorite worship song was on. That's His grace. We received a random check in the mail to cover an unforeseen expense. His grace. We were able to pay off my student loans unexpectedly, and some of the loans were forgiven. His grace

While I nurse you, my mind sometimes explodes with thoughts of the future; what you'll look like, how I want to shield you from the evils of this world, and how I hope you know that God loves you. I'm so thankful that Jesus is always there for me. This has been a very difficult month for our little family. God knows our needs, He is always in control, and He always gives us the grace we need to walk through whatever chaos comes our way. The devotional, "Jesus Calling" reminds me... 

"Do not worry about tomorrow! This is not a suggestion, but a command. I divided time into days and nights, so that you would have manageable portions of life to handle. My grace is sufficient for you, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time. When you worry about the future, you heap day upon day of troubles onto your flimsy frame. You stagger under this heavy load, which I never intended you to carry. Throw off this oppressive burden with one quick thrust of trust. Anxious thoughts meander about and crisscross in your brain, but trusting Me brings you directly into My Presence. As you thus affirm your faith, shackles of worry fall off instantly. Enjoy My Presence continually by trusting Me at all times. (derived from Matthew 6:34, 2 Corinthians 12:9 and Psalm 62:8)
Jude has to be where we are!

Those cheeeeeks!
Little Jude has become quite the singer! 

We sure do love daddy!
Daddy loves to drink chocolate milk out of a wine glass... he's silly! 
Sweeeet little Grace!

That's right, we joined the minivan club! Yay! When we told Jude that this was our new car, he didn't quite understand. However, when we started it up, he shook with excitement and screamed at the top of his lungs. It was such a precious moment. 
We enjoyed snuggling with Mini and Pop. Jude really bonded with Mimi and kept asking her to come play trains with him in his room. Over and over! Becky and Blake (my step brother and step mother) came all the way from Tennessee, too! 
Poor LK, you got a sunburn even though we were in the shade the whole time. Momma learned her lesson. You just have such fair skin, you have to stay covered the whole time I guess!
zonking out on the way home :)

Jude loves to swim! 

As usual, we can't help but sneak in your room while you sleep. 


Kelsey and Dwayne babysat for us for the last time. We really miss our Aunt KK and Uncle D.
This is where Jude spends most of his time. LK and I get to watch from his bed.
We packed up the van and headed to Naples for a Fourth Of July visit with our church leadership. We stayed in a beautiful home that reminded me a lot of my Nana's house in Charleston, SC. My grandmother always made us a delicious pot roast with rice, broccoli, and macaroni. Food that feels like home. When I walked in to the house, it smelled like my Nana's because Mistie and Katie were cooking a pork roast. Gosh, I miss my Nana and Papa all the way in SC. 

In the mornings, waking up to Jude, Laurie Kate, Blake, and I in the same room... I was just brought to tears. Of all the places in this world, the Lord allowed me to wake up in the most beautiful home in Naples with the people I love the most, plenty of food and treats to fill us up, and even a pool at the house. Summer at its finest. I'm just so thankful and undeserving. 
Haha! Jude, you're just so precious! We weren't sure where you were going to sleep so we brought you some big pillows and planned on making you a space in our room. Little did we know, we had the perfect little cubby hole in the bottom of our closet for you to cozy up in. You loved sleeping in your new little fort. Daddy and I couldn't stop staring at you and your big blue eyes as they were filled with adventure. We love you, little dude.
Jude would have stayed in the pool all day if we let him. He can hold his breath, blow bubbles, and paddle around. He's so fun!
We packed up the kids, walked about a mile to the beach, and sang patriotic songs the whole way home. I must mention that I had the privilege of meeting the sweeeeetest new friend, Andrea! Please come back to see us soon!
Thanks to Katie Suggs for this picture. Naples was absolutely breathtaking. 
My favorite memory of the evening was holding Jude while the fireworks started. I wasn't sure if was going to handle the noise well or not. He didn't even really notice the fireworks because we weren't extremely close. I wanted him to enjoy the new sight so I kept saying, "blue, red, green, circle... fire!" He finally noticed what was in the sky. It was way past his bedtime so he was rowdy and drowsy. I pinned him to my check and started singing any and every song I could remember. Jude loves to sing. Soon enough, he started singing along with me. Our feet in the sand, Dad and LK behind us, his little blonde curls tickling my chin, his hands grabbing mine, the salty air, fireworks, and our precious friends surrounding us... it was a special evening that I will treasure forever. Thank you Lord. 
My friend, Blanca :)
Their first bath together... and meet Coco. It was a blast feeding Coco and some fish last week for our friends!  
Snuggles with Suggs and celebrating Lincoln's second birthday!
God, thank you for these Florida memories.


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