Thank You Moe!

Today, I was reminded that I have a tendency to be very stubborn. 

Today was picture day. For us, that meant walking around the corner to the front of our neighborhood with a tripod and camera ready. We were all dressed up, prepared, and ready to capture that "perfect" Christmas picture that would spruce up any card design. Then, I remembered; we have a two-year-old. With the exception of a whole lotta' prayer and how we love and discipline our sweet son, we can't control him. He's two! We have to remember to be sensitive to his needs. Most of the time, Jude is actually pretty calm. He doesn't throw many temper tantrums but he certainly does get very strong willed at times. If he wants to walk around the park, then he will not be satisfied until he can do just that. You see, he didn't want to ride in the wagon or walk calmly towards the camera. (for just ONE PICTURE, come on!) He didn't want to sing a song, have a cracker, or play peek-a-boo. Nope. He just wanted to walk around the park. Oh, and throw a huge temper tantrum. Who can blame him? This weather is amazing. 

I'm not writing this for sympathy. I'm not trying to recount a dramatic story to make you laugh (maybe a little) or to feel validated as a parent. Today was not easy. I love my son and part of loving him is realizing that he is not here to meet my needs or serve my ego. Only God can fully satisfy me. Jude is a part of our family so we can teach him who God is. 

I learned a valuable lesson today. I'm just like Jude. I can be so stubborn at times, only focused on what I want. Yes, I may throw temper tantrums behind closed doors, haha! Yet, God's patience astounds me. He doesn't look at me with a scowl on His face, ready to whip my tail. No, His love and mercy are new every morning. His fingerprints are everywhere, calling me back to Himself, His purposes, and His huge grace. Just like we try to guide Jude on the safest path, Jesus is there guiding us and showing us His perfect paths of life.

Never believe the lie that you can't hear God's voice if there's noise in your life. -Gloria Furman

There were all kinds of crazy temper tantrum noises today; they weren't just coming from a two-year-old either. Haha! Despite all the petty drama, today we heard God's voice loud and clear.

Blake and I began to walk home with Jude screaming in his little red wagon. Poor little dude. We had upset each other in various ways and upset ourselves with our tempers towards our sweet Jude. Our gazes were all fixed downward at that cracked sidewalk. We were frustrated and hopeless. I thought to myself, "Oh well. I guess we won't get that perfect Christmas card picture after all." Then, I had to snap out of it. It's not the end of the world!! 

Jude just wanted to go and play and we were those mean old parents that kept forcing him to be in front of the camera... the temper tantrums and disobedience earned him a spot in time out though! After settling down inside the house, I remembered that I wanted to try to get just one or two maternity pictures of my huge baby bump. (before I'm swollen up and practically immobile) Jude enjoyed a show while Blake and I walked outside. Our spunky neighbors were relaxing in this beautiful weather. After a few shots, a man named Maurice walked up. Maurice is the brother-in-law of my neighbor. He quickly explained how he saw us struggling to get the perfect shot and... that he was a photographer. Our jaws dropped. A PHOTOGRAPHER?!? Really? Hallelujah! What a huge, huge blessing! We told him about our toddler/picture battle. He happened to witness the chaos unfolding because we were just across the lake from our backyard. He was so kind and willing to take a few quick photos of Blake and I, and the three of us. 

Just what we needed.    

 We sat down to dinner with full hearts. Really? Our God cares for us so much that he sent this special out-of-town visitor to save the day. So, wherever you find yourself reading this silly blog, know that God deeply cares for you, your needs, and even your wants. 

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Psalm 57:10 

Needless to say, thanks to our new friend Moe, our Christmas card will NOT include the following gems. Haha!
check out Blake's mohawk, hahah!

poor little Jude!


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