Motivation (Part Two)
Moving to Florida caused me to take a close look at my motives. Literally, driving away from almost everything I had known for the past twenty five years caused me to think about life and my purpose with urgency. God showed me that I was believing a lot of lies about life, purpose, and happiness. He is so generous to show us. I practically kicked, screamed, complained, and worried the whole way here...and put on a smile to cover it up. If only I was focused on God's purposes. His ways are so much higher than ours. He cares about us. I found myself allowing life's circumstances dictate my emotions. I found myself praising God when life was going well and turning into an emotional basket case when life didn't go as I planned easy. What were my motives? My motives were rooted in finding happiness, security, and predicability. If God is making me move far away from all my family and friends, I won't be happy. If I can't predict the next few months of my life an...