"I've Never Heard Of John 3:16"

I had one of those moments last week where I felt the darkness of South Florida. Not scary darkness. Darkness as in, spiritually dark. Dry. Unlike my home in Tennessee, this is a place where you can not assume the person next to you has heard of the love of Christ . You also can not assume the person next to you speaks english. I appreciate the diverse culture now that my first wave of culture shock has lifted.

I was going on our usual walk around our neighborhood with Jude in tow and met my little friends Gabby, Meagan, and a new friend, little brother Christian. Boy, was he rambunctious. I've gotten to know miss Gabby who is in middle school and Meagan who is in fifth grade. They are precious, sweet little friends who always jump with excitement to make little Jude smile from the other side of the stroller. They're usually piddling on the sidewalk, doing homework, braiding their hair, listening to music, or drawing with sidewalk chalk to make the time pass between the late afternoon and dinnertime! Sometimes I'm narrow-minded and just optimistically assume that they are happy, loved, and content children that have surely heard that God loves them!
When I saw them they mentioned that they were going to see a baby in their family be baptized. I don't want to elaborate on infant baptism because ultimately God saves and He is in control. Just read what the Bible has to say. (Back to my story) Baptized. Insert spiritual nudge to tell them about Jesus. They know that Blake and I came down here to start and church and their parents asked me all kinds of questions about Christ but Gabby and Meagan haven't. So, what did I do? I missed the opportunity like my sinful nature would have it. Haha. BUT, my walk consists of two laps around our neighborhood loop. A second chance to mess it up or not.

I began to pick up my pace to meet them again before darkness and dinner came. God worked on my heart and that next lap I was so excited to ask them, "Do you know what baptism is?" No idea, crinkled and confused faces. "Would you like to know?" I'm so glad they quickly uttered, "SURE!" After all, it was Christmas break and no school lesson was bombarding their brains, right? I began to explain how baptism is a symbol of salvation (don't get me started if you think baptism -mere water- saves you, study yo Bible ok) and other details about John The Baptist. I also briefly explained the gospel to them and they asked me a few questions. The little spunky brother came outside again and Gabby and Meagan were able to explain the whole concept to him, I was proud that they actually cared and listened. Haha! He jabbered away about how he was going to put this new information into his iphone. (Kids these days) To sum our conversation up since it was getting dark, I asked them if they had ever heard John 3:16. That old faithful verse that most people back home in Tennessee have heard or seen on a billboard or bumper sticker. It's everywhere, right? No.

Their response; "No, what's that?"

My heart about dropped to the pavement. Not the response I was expecting or used to. I thought they'd say yes and roll their eyes haha. Can I just take them home with me!? I just wanted to hug them and hold their little hands! These are not young children, they are middle school aged! I shared the life filled verse with them and they marveled about how cool it was that our sins can be forgiven. What I pray was hope in the midst of that ordinary humid night. Beautiful little faces that I pray will know the love of Jesus. They had never heard this news! They seemed to think that this good news was only for people who were "good enough." Oh how as christians we have messed that up. Let me tell you right now, I have messed up a lot today! I quickly told them that God loves us and we'll never be good enough! It's about what Jesus did for us! I can't tell you how many times I'd meet children in Tennessee that had been to five million VBS camps, music camps, and Sunday school classes that could recite not only John 3:16 but many other verses regardless of knowing their actual meaning or actually being true believers. To some kids, it's just another piece of information that they can regurgitate just like addition or spelling words. Not to imply that some children aren't saved but just because you memorize a Bible verse doesn't mean you're a believer. Certainly, God can move in the hearts of children.

After speaking with these precious friends, I automatically thought about Jude and how I can't wait for him to understand who Jesus is so we can sing about Him and read about Him together. We want Jude to have that HOPE that he can not please God, that only Jesus can! Only Jesus is perfect. Unconditional love and the depths and adventures of God's word! Grace.

You'd expect to meet someone who hasn't at least heard of Jesus in another country but, here? America? Yes, America. I had been told before moving here that it would be different but until last week I hadn't fully experienced the newness of the gospel to little ears. These little friends of mine are surely not from a remote part of the planet where the gospel hasn't... actually, statistics would state otherwise. The gospel isn't common down here. In fact, to prove my point I just Googled evangelical churches in Pembroke Pines and guess how many came up? FIVE. ONLY FIVE. There's 160,00 people in this town! I pray that our church can be a beacon of hope, grace, and peace to our community. Like the hymn says, "all who gather here by grace draw near and bless HIS name." By grace. Not works!  

God changes hearts. God gives life. Jesus sacrificed His life for me! I have hope in that. I have hope that God has a plan for these young friends of mine. I also have hope that I'll never be good enough. I can't help but pray and hope that they'll go into their homes and inside their little hearts begin to wonder who this Jesus guy is before they fall asleep. I remember those quiet moments as a young child where I heard and felt God speak. I heard God through the music in my home, my family that spoke of His name with confidence, excitement, and assurance. I realize now just how rare my experience growing up was. Thank you for the cross Lord. Thank you for my sweet little friends. Reveal yourself to them Lord! 


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