Thankful For The Olson Family!

Meet the Olson family! This is Jerel, Mistie, Jered, Kaeden, and Xane. We had a great time this Saturday at Hollywood beach capturing some special family photos! Hollywood beach is the closest beach to us; only thirty minutes! The Olsons lived in Virginia before they moved to Tennessee so they were ready to take some family photos where they feel most at home;THE BEACH! They LOVE the beach! 
Jerel is the lead pastor at our church, Desire Church. I have known Jerel since 2006 (I think) when he became our college pastor in Murfreesboro, TN. I always appreciated his heartfelt and challenging teaching! I loved going over to his house to hang out with Mistie and the boys, teaching Jered piano, and babysitting every once in a while. It has been a joy to get to know miss Mistie more! They only live about two miles from us so we have enjoyed getting together to go to the beach, have dinner, play games, swap coupons, have Bible study, and just share life together. This family is special to a lot of people and their love for the Lord is strong! Thank you for serving us at DC! I love you and appreciate the opportunity to capture some memories for you! 

This was too funny, I just had to share what happened at the end of our shoot. Poor Kaeden stepped right into a fire anthill! He was in so much pain! Poor guy did this little crazy dance and screamed while trying to figure out what happened to his foot and get the ants out of his shoe! The shoes went flying and mom and dad came to the rescue! Haha!
Attempting to get a family photo on this giant tower... maybe next time! Haha!


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