Two Months With Jude

Warning: there are a million pictures haha! We probably look crazy! I realize it may be annoying or overwhelming but honestly, sometimes I like to blog for my own record! If other people happen to enjoy it, then it's an added blessing!
Every day is a gift. Thank you Lord Jesus for my sweet family including a wonderful and handsome husband who takes such great care of us! We love you little man. It has been such a fun two months being your mom and dad. Although we haven't had to do too much "parenting" we have still learned a lot about you and ourselves. I have learned that sometimes I can be selfish with my time. You've taught me to remember to always put others first! Every day I love being your mom more and more; I didn't know this was possible! I think our hearts have grown larger every day we spend with you. We sit on the couch staring at you and keep repeating, "I just love him so much, can you believe he is ours,  he's so amazing, he's so cute." It's pretty hilarious! We've taken you on a few dates with us and we still do the same thing. TUNNEL VISION. You are just so cute! I think we decided that you  have my eyes and everything else from dad.

My favorite part of the day with you is when it's time to wake you up in the morning! You arch up your little back to stretch,I open our shades, and you gives me this huge grin...
Maybe you're smiling because I'm the milk machine but, I like to think it's because you love me! Speaking of lovin, I think you are starting to hug us back! When you are super tired or ready to calm down a little, I bring you up around my neck and your little tiny arms start to cling to me a little harder; it's such a treat! I also love when you burrow your head at the fold of my arm haha! You have impressed us with how flexible you are! You fall asleep during almost every car ride, you hardly fuss, and you still enjoy hanging out in your bouncy seat for a few hours a day! Sometimes you enjoy the swing and definitely the baby wrap! I think you feel like you are in the womb when you are in the baby wrap haha! You usually sleep from 11:00PM to 6 or 6:30 AM and have been since you were about six weeks. It helps that we finally have you on a schedule that we all can work with. We are so thankful for you! 

You also love to play on your play-mat with all the lights and sounds; your face lights up and you make all kinds of fun squeaks!! You are getting so strong, standing up, holding your head up and sometimes I wake up and you have made your way out of the swaddle blanket you crazy head! Pretty soon, we are going to move you in to your own room; daddy said next week, how exciting! Sometimes you play or take naps in your crib while momma tidies up the nursery and you love staring at the paper boats on your bumper! 

I think daddy's favorite part of the day with you is when we take field trips to deliver him lunch! It's also fun when he comes home for lunch. Afternoon snuggles are the best!
You have a lot of fun listening to daddy practice his music, listen to music, and sometimes you sing along! Your daddy cracks me up when he says things like, "you have Pampers on tonight baby; it's like driving a Lexus!" Or, "Caroline, have you rubbed noses with him yet, it's so fun." Haha! Oh and then he tries to be rational with you when you start to cry, "Baby, it's ok! You have a home, a mommy, daddy, a passy, be grateful!" 

You are making all kinds of new noises these days and we even caught a few!  Here's a video of them:

Here's a comparison :)
You went on your first road trip to Maryville, TN and Chattanooga, TN. We blogged about that earlier! However, momma does need to make a note to NEVER EVER eat Krystals again. I know what you're thinking, "why did you even eat them in the first place?" They were my ONLY option for dinner that night ok! Your baby tummy didn't know what to do with such nasty processed meat haha! 
your first trip to Chattanooga to see Aunt Amy!
You love it when Lolly comes and snuggles with us! Nothing like relaxing little cat purrs. We have a lot of friends over to snuggle with you too like Kelsey and Dwayne, Tiffany, Megan, Tina, Jennifer and Ryleigh, Mimi, Granna, and Grandaddy! We even have adventures playing over at your cousin's house in Hendersonville. You liked watching them play Cranium and we even played hide and go seek together! 
I think your little noggin' went wild when you heard my mom play the piano for the first time!
This would be your first time reading the Bible. Ha! Everyone enjoyed laughing at your silly expressive faces!
we went on our first family walk together and you slept the whole time! 
Our second family walk too!

Oh, this was a very special day to me. I teared up a bit. The day you got your two month shots, we traveled upstairs to visit my lovely coworkers whom I miss so much! They're my Hendersonville sisters! I think you showed off for them because you may have remembered their voices from the womb, haha! 
You have what momma calls an "over active tear duct!" Even when you're not upset, it just makes these precious little tears haha! Pitiful face! 
Your first trip to the grocery! We bought strawberries and chocolate for momma's Valentine's Day customers. I dipped seven and a half dozen strawberries with you in the baby wrap. Shoo!

baby wrappin'
This is your Aunt Lea Ann, Dr. Lund. She loved getting to see you at your two month visit with Dr. Ervin. You were so brave when they gave you your shots! You hardly fussed after it was over! You came out with two big blue camouflage bandages! They looked so silly to me! You weighed 11 lbs 10 oz and were 23inches! I think you weigh a little more because you were ready to eat; on empty! The doctor said that you were on the long and lean side! Everyone always tells me how alert, animated, and energetic you are. 
Our nighttime routine has involved dinner, feeding you, watching episodes of daddy's favorite show "Fringe" that gives momma nightmares, feeding you again, and then peacefully laying you down to sleep. Sometimes we give you a bath too, daddy does a great job a splishin' and a splashin' with you! You do such a great job putting yourself to bed at night and during our 6 and 9 AM feedings. We are so proud of you! As long as you have the sleep sheep on and a clean behind, you are a happy camper! 
We have attempted to put you in more grown up looking clothes but sometimes it makes me sad. I like it when you wear little baby clothes instead of vests, jeans, and shoes. However, you look so cute in everything!
Your favorite toy: the soccer ball!
I can't believe how much you have grown in one month! Here's a comparison!


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