Jude's Birthday

8lbs 9oz, 19.5in, 6:04 AM, 12-12-12
Oh, God is so good. Praise and glory be to HIM! He has blessed us far more than we deserve. We are so in love with this baby boy! We are LOVING being parents and couldn't imagine life without him. He's snuggled up right next to me now! Here's a glimpse into the amazing story that God ordained that brought us little Jude. 
The long awaited baby is here! We are so overwhelmed with JOY and PEACE that he is finally with us! It all started early Monday December 10. Blake and I were on our way to my doctor's appointment to find out why baby was three days past due and if my body was telling us he was on his way anytime soon. I had regular braxton hicks contractions all night that ranged from every 4-9 minutes... we had almost packed our bags and forced the doctor to bring him into the world! We just wanted to meet him so bad that we could hardly stand it. You can only clean and bake so much! I was still able to sleep during the night and felt just fine but over and over we kept repeating, "WE ARE SO READY!" At my appointment they told us that I was in "early labor" and would most likely be in real labor between the next 24-48 hours. My doctor even thought that I would be coming back to see her that afternoon. So, we waited, and waited. Nothing.
Tuesday morning I woke up with a terrible headache and I remembered that on my "labor precaution" paper it mentioned if you had a bad headache that Tylenol wouldn't fix then you should call your doctor. This was my chance! I called right away and they told me to come in since I had also noticed my face and next swelling more than usual. So, off to the doctor's office I went. Bags packed, ready to go if baby was ready to come! Blake was at work so I told him the situation and he had his phone handy just in case Tuesday was the "big day." I saw a different doctor since my doctor was off; Dr. Stork. Very fun last name for such a profession! Dr. Stork told me that I was still dilated to a 2-3 and that we should go ahead with an induction since I all of a sudden had high blood pressure. WHAT? My heart shook with excitement as I pictured Blake and I holding this sweet little boy within the next 24 hours or so. It was happening!!
I drove one block around the corner to a different parking garage while my body was shaking and my mind was racing. Did I have everything I needed? Call Blake, call Mom, call... text... trying not to come unglued. Cancelled Blake's long overdue dentist appointment, so sad. Ok. Here we go! I checked myself in to the third floor of Baptist and could hardly believe where I was. Blake arrived shortly after with that big, "I'm going to be a daddy today" look on his face. He has been ready for a while. It was time to undress and put on my gown. The room was so large that my whole family could fit in it... and a team of medical professionals. I tried not to be overwhelmed by the fact that I was going to suddenly have a drug in my body that was basically going to force this little man out. After all, this was my FIRST stay in the hospital for anything. Period. I've never really experienced pain. 

The countdown began. Since I wasn't aware of this induction plan, I had eaten a bowl of oatmeal at precisely 7:00am and a white chocolate covered Oreo with a half a glass of milk at 10:30am. They won't let you start the procedure unless your stomach is empty so that meant around 4-5:00. Here's where it gets fuzzy. The anticipation about killed me. Could I handle the pain? Was baby going to be ok? Was Blake going to faint? Did I pack enough? Was I going to have a C-section? The doctors had told me that my pubic bones didn't look ideal for a vaginal delivery so I knew that there was always a possibility of a C-section but either way, I just wanted baby to be safe! Just do what you have to do to get little man out so we can kiss his sweet face! Our delivery nurse was named Louisa and she was soooo awesome. She kept saying, "I think we would be really good friends if we didn't meet in such an awkward way." I really liked her a lot, she was so sweet, about my age, and was extra informative!

Baby's heart rate and my contractions. I don't remember what the numbers represented but they started my pitocin (induction drug) at a level 1. I didn't feel much different since the lovely nurses informed me that my body was already going in to natural labor before the induction... but they had to follow doctors orders and we didn't see any issue with that. My pitocin got to a level 8 and I was breathing hard, could stand the pain but barely, and then the wonderful word "epidural" was thrown around. I was informed that "most" women request and receive an epidural around level 2 so I felt very accomplished that I had withstood the pain for that long. I was a the brink where if I didn't get the epidural soon, I wouldn't be able to sit still during the contractions long enough for the anesthesiologist to work his magic. I was absolutely terrified of a giant needle going down my back but I wanted to be able to communicate and focus on how baby was doing, follow the doctor's orders respectfully, and ease the pain before it became too extreme. Plus, baby's heart rate was very inconsistent so I wanted to make sure he was ok. In came the most wonderful team, yay! They placed the first epidural. Notice that I said first? Yup, the first one only numbed my right side. I was trembling with pain at this point but "only" on my left. I specifically remember Blake, my mom, and my sister Lea Ann holding my hands and helping me breathe. Blake is so amazing! He is the best cheerleader and encourager... I am SO grateful for a wonderful and engaged husband who cares so much about me and is so humble! He was basically my male nurse! I couldn't do ANYTHING without his help and support. 

After pushing for three hours and no baby, the doctor finally decided to allow me to have a C-section. I remember being so drugged up and claustrophobic from all the machines I was hooked up to! Blake did  such a great job helping me push, I wasn't in much pain at all, and was ready to get the party started! My poor family and friends had waited from 5pm to 5am with no baby to rejoice over! Kelsey, my mom, Blake's mom, and my sister had successfully mentored me and encouraged me as we waited and labored but Blake and I handled the pushing with the nurse alone for three hours. I was so thankful for Dwayne and Kelsey as they fed our cat, picked up some movies for us, and eventually ended up getting a lot more supplies for us from the house since recovery for a C-section is much lengthier. Amazing friends. I was in good spirits through the pushing but quickly became exhausted! I learned a lot from the whole labor experience: 

In case you're pregnant, tell the nurse/doctors everything you feel whether it's good or bad. There were a couple times during labor where I was experiencing good and bag symptoms and if I had not expressed those symptoms then baby may not have been here. At one point his heart rate and mine were extremely low and I was the one who reported it, no one else caught it!
They strapped me down, smocked Blake up, and cut me open! OH WE WERE SO EXCITED! I remember the surgeon smelling of really strong cologne. Why is that allowed? 
 Jude had the umbilical cord wrapped around his next twice so they had to give him an extra "poof" of air so he could breathe! Because of this, I wasn't able to hold little baby until about five minutes after he was delivered. I heard his cry and started uncontrollably weeping! He was here! I couldn't stop saying, "I want to meet him!" Blake was able to capture some pretty amazing photos and videos! 
He's so calm! Precious man!
I mean, I know that I'm biased but he's just so cute for a newborn. Look at those massive hands, feet, and muscles. He was fully baked I'd say! Also, is he smiling? What newborn does that?! I feel bad for all the other kids in the nursery, he's pretty intimidating! 

oh, finally!!!!

Sweet, sweet baby boy. Oh, he's perfect!

Daddy took such great care of him since I wasn't able to get up out of the bed without a lot of help. Daddy changed so many diapers! 
Milk Drunk! At one point the nurse came back from the nursery saying that he kept staring at all the other babies as they were crying. Jude hardly cries at all. He even came back with a mohawk one time haha! They had fun with him!
aunt kelsey loves her Jude!
Thanks for coming Ashly! Love you so much!


Aunt Amy
Kendall, Jennifer, and baby Ryleigh came, and there's Lonas! We were also visited by Jerel, Cory, Tina, Megan and Brian! Sorry we forgot to take a picture of you!

the day we came home! we're a family! oh my goodness!

Our room! A big thank you to all the nurses at Baptist. I had such great care! I was told that since baby was born on 12-12-12, the nurses were short staffed from all the scheduled inductions. All I remember was that I couldn't do anything by myself, there was a lot of pain, the food was actually good, and baby was amazing!!

oh, baby love! he loves his momma!

One of the nurses, and mimi!
Blake did a nurse approved job on that carseat. Way to go daddy!
we ended up with more stuff than we could carry haha!
so excited!

our pastor and his wife Emily came to visit, yay!

uncle dwayne
the second night we were home, our church staff had a Christmas party that we obviously didn't go to so, look who came and surprised us! We heard one person singing a Christmas Carol, and then more and more added in, each singing a different song. It was hilarious! Love ya'll!
Our our way to his first doctor's appointment! 
A healthy baby boy! "He has the perfect temperament" He gained back all that he needed to and has ZERO jaudice thanks to some formula and momma's milk. yay!


  1. I was there too! And I took the first picture on this post! (: YAAAYYY JUDE IS FINALLY HERREEEEE

  2. Love love love all the pictures!! Jude is so cute! Merry Christmas!


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