Showering Jude

Some beautiful custom blocks that Granna got for us!
My cup runneth over! We had the most wonderful family shower this weekend!! My mom and sisters Amy, Lea Ann, and Jill threw us a shower for baby Jude on Saturday. I'm sad that my Hawaii sister didn't get to join us but she was there in spirit! This shower was PERFECT! It was such a sweet time of fellowship that we shared together as we prepare for our little man! Not only did we receive so many amazing gifts, we were able to pray together, share memories, stories, and many laughs! We all gathered at my sister's house just down the road in Hendersonville! My sister Amy worked particularly hard, it was just amazing! Thank you everyone for your generosity and love!
diaper name tags and a special name tag for Jude
as you walk through the door, pretty pom poms!
adorable sign!
beautiful flowers I got to take home! also some thank you notes I took home too!
individual magnets as a reminder to pray
my beautiful momma/ Mimi
the official invitation
oh, the food... YUM!
delicious cupcakes made by my step mom Becky!
my favorite muffins from The Bread Basket in Chattanooga, TN.
saying goodbye as the boys in the family go play laser tag
she is too cute for her own good!
so glad aunt Janet could join us!
Blake's lovely Aunt Michelle, mother, grandmother, and Aunt Leslie!!!
the first gift opened! 
OH THESE ARE SO COOL! I was so impressed by the creativity in our group. Thank you to everyone who made a onesie! My sister had everyone cut out these by hand and glue with fabric glue. They turned out great!
even though you can't see it all the way, I made mom loves you!
by Kelsey
by my sister Jill
by Blake's momma and my step mother Becky
by blake's mamaw
by my mom
by my Aunt Janet
by my Aunt Glenda
by Blake's Aunt Michelle
a turtle by my sister Amy
Aunt Glenda
I can't remember who made this one! Sister Lea Ann?
by my precious nephews ahaha how cute
Haley! I need another picture with you!
the Sanderson girls
one of Blake's outfits from when he was a little baby! so cute!
my old, yes blue, baby blanket! they thought i was a boy
Jill, the faithful note taker
made by Granna!


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