Our Little Man

What a day. Meet our little man!
All of this will be faithfully recorded in our little baby book but... here goes! A lot of people were so confused when they saw this picture so I'll try to help. You're looking at two bent legs from the tail bone up. See it now? Amazing! My day began at our Back To School Bash with work. We invited all of our patients to come to a fun center and celebrate so around 500 showed up! We had a lot of fun but needless to say, I was ready to be at our appointment. So, Blake and his wonderful mother and sister came to pick me up and we drove to Nashville. After the appointment I had a divine appointment with our women's ministry. I was in charge of a women's event at church and it was spectacular! My friend and coworker Christina came and brought the word! Oh, so many gifts in one day! 

The ultrasound tech didn't really give us any idea of how long this appointment would last so I assumed it would be like the previous ultrasound; quick. Nope. This ultrasound was a full twenty minutes! Can you believe she didn't give us the sex of little Herron until around minute seventeen? I mean I was praisin' the Lord for the brain, kidneys, mouth, nose, ribs, tailbone foot, bladder, and umbilical cord, but ...I wanted to picture pink or blue! She asked us at the end if we were "finding out" and we both exclaimed "well, YES!" We were cracking up with excitement. She ended up giving us a dvd of the entire ultrasound and you can hardly enjoy it because of all my giggles. Giggles turn into shakes on the screen! Poor baby is having to witness all these giggle earthquakes! 

Throughout the ultrasound we both thought we saw baby Herron become a "he" but we weren't sure until it was official! She announced it at the very end and we were both overjoyed! Can you believe it? A little man! I'm SO excited. I've had some practice with our two nephews in town so let the adventures begin! We don't even have to change the baby room in our house because it's already blue and green. It's not my favorite design but oh well. So cool. 

A lot of people have asked me if I knew one way or the other and I would have said no. However, each dream that I've had about giving birth, finding out the sex, and baby in general, it's all been of a little boy. Even yesterday morning I woke up and felt like either the Lord or just my crazy brain was whispering to me, "it's a boy." I was convinced. We get to raise a man of God! Since I'm learning songs on the guitar now, Blake and I can teach him guitar! Starting to picture this new adventure. Here we go! We have NO idea haha. 

We received a very positive or what you'd call perfect report. Our doctor said that baby's legs are on the longer scale!!! I know it may not really mean anything yet but I'm glad to hear that baby may not have acquired my shortness! Also, baby's head is medium instead of large. GREAT NEWS for this momma. Everything else is just wonderful as well! I'm feeling our little babe move around and it's just a wonder. Wow! Praising the Lord!

a widdle foot!
just lookin' so cute. 


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