Hard Candy

It's been so long! I apologize for not posting more frequently. It's good to be back, I can't wait to share some pictures and stories with you. Over the holidays, Blake and I had the chance to visit with his family over Christmas and then with my family over New Years. We traveled to East Tennessee for a mere eighteen hours and packed it full of delicious meals, gifts, hugs, stories, and we even made HARD CANDY! Can you believe it? 

See, Blake's gracious Mamaw has the gift of crafting confections! Blake has grown up with a tradition of making hard candy or rock candy with his family so, it was time for me to witness this miraculous creation! We watched as she mixed together the sugar, corn syrup, and other ingredients. She had prepared her granite by greasing it lightly. Then, we waited for the mixture to reach 400 degrees... I think! Here are some pictures of the process. It was such a special time learning traditions so we can carry them on in our family! Thank you for teaching us Mamaw and Papaw!

Once the sugar mixture reached this scorching temperature we tested it to make sure that it cracked right! We added coloring and...cinnamon flavoring! MMM! The whole house filled with the aroma. 

Then, you pour it out and let it cool for just a few seconds as you watch Blake's excitement grow

then you cut it up into strips, then little pieces, and place it in powdered sugar
 it was so much fun!
 isn't this just the cheesiest?
then, we had to make spearmint!

you can tell by the look on Blake's face that the aroma was certainly strong! shoo wee, watch out! 


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