One Pretty Free Puppy!

 Hello again! It's been a while since I've had a chance to catch up on bloggin! Thank you again for reading! The past few weeks have been so busy! We will have to cut out some of our business because we have a new little one to look after! Meet Lu/Luna!
After much debate the past few months, we had decided that we do not need a dog!  But, when she's free and cuddly...! Let me tell you about his little dog; she's SO SMART! A friend from church found her and gave her to us! We're assuming think she's solid black lab, amazing! She's already learned how to sit, stay, down, and she's almost potty trained! I've even taught her not to jump, bite, or lick when she greets me! I've never had a dog before so I was basically a grump for this first few days but of course those big black eyes have grown on me. I mean look at her!! I can already hear the "aaawwws." It was so strange meeting another dog owner yesterday and doing the whole, " so what kind is she, oh ok yes she's a lab, she's sweet...have a good day!" So, here we go! Our first doggy! I've never even taken a dog on a walk before... I can't wait!


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