My Momma's Classic Cinnamon Rolls

What do you get when you roll up brown sugar, a dash of oatmeal, cinnamon, and butter? BUNDLES OF JOY! I had such a great time making these little masterpieces this weekend. We had a Sundy Brunch with our lovely choir members and I thought this would be the perfect treat. Don't forget the whipped vanilla cream cheese frosting (not too sweet this time). They were heavenly! However, I think my cat has permanent dry mouth now after licking up all the flour that covered our kitchen floor. 
a mess is a must! this recipe is so simple and sweet. and listen, if you think that plain white sugar will do the trick you must not have gotten this recipe from your momma! the dark brown sugar has molasses in it and adds that kick of extra natural flavor...and most likely calories.
when making bread...don't cheat on the kneading!
such a pretty lump of goodness!
more butta the betta
I thought some oatmeal would make them unique:)
 Here comes the fun!
doesn't that just make you happy? can i make them for you?
 top with a little more goodness
 tastes just like Cinnabon's frosting! I'm so proud!
 Can't you smell them?
ooooh i want to go make them again! don't worry, Blake and I have officially gone to only two sweets a day now! 


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