Meet Kelsey and Dwayne Gibbs To Be

Ooooh we're just so excited about this! I've been keeping a big secret from my dear friend Kelsey for a few weeks now and I am so relieved that I don't have to hide it anymore! God is so faithful and blesses us more than we will ever ever deserve. I know these two will live a life pleasing to Him. We are so happy for Dwayne and Kelso as they are recently betrothed (said in an english accent). :) We had a little surprise/birthday party for them so that we could all get together as friends to celebrate. It was so great to see some of our old Murfreesboro friends who drove all they way up to White House! 
I decided I'd just whip up a little cookie cake for them and it seems that everyone enjoyed it since there was none to take home! We played some games, fellowshipped, and laughed as guests trafficked through. I couldn't resist getting my sweet friend some sweet smelling flowers and of course the latest bridal magazine! I can't wait to help her as much as she helped me as my maid of honor. I mean this girl made homemade bows for our wedding, helped address invitations, bag jelly beans, kept me accountable, kept me from going insane, threw showers for me that had around fifty people (again, sorry for inviting 200) and even DIED MY VEIL IN TEA to make it match my dress. Now that is commitment... i'm sure there were strange tasks I requested that she didn't feel like doing and- she did them. I will always admire her self discipline, creativity, thoughtfulness, faith, and commitment to her many hobbies. Congratulations you lovely two and thank you for being a part of my last twenty million blog posts...without you guys and food I don't know if I'd have much to write about. hahaa

As usual...highlight real yay!!!


  1. Yay! Congratulations to Kelsey! That is very exciting. What a blessing!


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