Same road, different sky

Driving along the same road under a different sky...thank you for rainbows. In my heart there are times where I am so taken by my flesh that I am far from where the Lord wants me to be. I'm not perfect and Christ always has work to do in me. So why am I surprised when Christians act so far from Christ-like? There are times where I feel like I'm on the same road as other believers but under a different sky; a different season in life. We are brothers and sisters in faith but sometimes act more like step siblings. A family member's actions whether by faith or blood can cut so deep that it's hard to think about anything other than justice. I can take someone hurting my feelings, I'll be ok if someone spreads a rumor about me, but there are other times when someone's choices become so hurtful all I think about is justice. I daydream about taking matters in to my own hands but give up knowing God alone will give us justice. So many sermons come to mind about how we always expect mercy for ourselves and want justice for others. I'm so glad I don't have to live by my standards. Without the grace of knowing the truths in God's word I know exactly where I'd be; searching and suffering. So today I'm thankful for seasons, especially when they come to an end. 


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