Laurie Kate Turned Two!

Laurie Kate, you are quite the special little girl. You loves to hug, say hello to everyone, sing, dance, bothering brother, sleeping, eating (anything), cooking in your kitchen, taking care of your babies, laying out blankets all over the house for your babies to nap, coloring, bubbles, talking on the phone, saying "yucky," Minnie, "Little Einsteins," "Chuggington," reading books, doing everything all by yourself, and snuggling. You have the sweetest little curls, the raspiest voice, and are so patient with us. I try to imagine if you as our first born because I want to treasure every part of you just the way we did with Jude. You certainly won't get left behind with your sass and spunk. You're always finding a stool to help me in the kitchen, you always want "mommy hold you," to hug, play, and sing. "Jesus Loves Me" is your favorite song among many. You're a performer and a charmer. My prayer is that you continue t...